CFP: First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics Conference, IACS-2014
First Call for Papers First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) Conference, IACS-2014 September 25-27, 2014 Lund, Sweden The First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) Conference (IACS-2014) will be held in September 25-27, at Lund University, Sweden. Founded in Aarhus, Denmark, on May 29, 2013, The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics aims…
CFP: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.II Vol.I now available at Call for papers: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.II The mission of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics is to constitute a reference point in state-of-the-art academic research in the field of marketing semiotics, by enhancing the relevance of semiotic theories and methodologies across the entire marketing mix, with…
Southern Semiotic Review – Second Issue
The second edition (2/2013) is now available online. This journal was launched in May, and there has been a pleasing response to the first issue, in terms of quantity and quality. 11000+ visitors and 50000+ page views confirm good interest and reception – and readings! In addition to general issues, special theme issues are…
Third congress of Moroccan Association of Semiotics
III Congress of the Moroccan Association of Semiotics Moroccan group of Semiotics Moulay Ismail University Call for Papers Semiotics and Society New challenges, new approaches November 19th and 20th, 2013 School of Arts and Humanities Meknes, Morocco. Ferdinand de Saussure could not dissociate Semiotics from social life. Before him, Peirce also stated, but…
VIII Congreso Internacional Chileno de Semiótica – Segunda Circular
SEMIÓTICA, EDUCACIÓN Y CULTURA 9, 10 y 11 de octubre de 2013 SEGUNDA CIRCULAR (8 DE AGOSTO DE 2013) SE AGRADECE SU DIFUSIÓN CONVOCAN Asociación Chilena de Semiótica Universidad del Bío-Bío. Departamento de Artes y Letras PATROCINAN Universidad de Concepción. Departamento de Comunicación Social Universidad de Chile. Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen Universidad Austral…
CFP: The Charles S. Peirce 2014 International Centennial Congress
2nd Call for Papers, Short Contributions and Posters The Charles S. Peirce 2014 International Centennial Congress The Charles S. Peirce Society and the Peirce Foundation invite the submission of new papers, short contributions, and posters for the Charles S. Peirce International Centennial Congress, to be held at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (July 16-19, 2014)….
Extended Deadline – Is it real? Conference – 28th of July 2013
is-it-real?conference Extended the deadline for abstracts: 28th of July 2013. For more information:
IX Congreso Argentino y IV Congreso Internacional de Semiótica de la Asociación Argentina de Semiótica – 4ª Circular
IX Congreso Argentino y IV Congreso Internacional de Semiótica de la Asociación Argentina de Semiótica DERIVAS DE LA SEMIÓTICA. TEORÍAS, METODOLOGÍAS E INTERDISCIPLINARIDADES 5, 6 y 7 de setiembre de 2013 Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Mendoza – Argentina Cuarta circular Extensión de la fecha para la presentación de resúmenes Los resúmenes podrán presentarse hasta el…