CFP Deadline Extension: Semiotic Society of America 39th Annual Meeting

CFP Deadline Extension: Semiotic Society of America 39th Annual Meeting  ​ Following requests from several colleagues and institutions, the Semiotic Society of America is pleased to extend the deadline for submitting abstracts for our 39th Annual Meeting, which will take place in Seattle, October 2-5, 2014. The new deadline is Friday, June 20, 2014. We have received a many…

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CFP: Cygne noir – revue d’exploration sémiotique

CYGNE NOIR revue d’exploration sémiotique Appel à contribution Sémiotique des mystères Le samedi 8 mars 2014, un avion de ligne de la Malaysia Airlines disparaît en plein vol, et ses 239 passagers enregistrés avec lui. Qu’est-il advenu du vol MH370? En l’absence de réponse, rapidement, les médias proposent des pistes. Le 14 mars, Le…

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CFP: Regional Conference of the International Association for Visual Semiotics

REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR VISUAL SEMIOTICS 9-11 September 2014, Urbino, Italy, Collegio del Colle “Re-mediation: Figurative and plastic levels under technological assumptions” Abstract submission deadline: 15 June 2014 (max. 500 words), to Call for papers and information (English) CONGRESO REGIONAL DE LA ASOCIACIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE SEMIÓTICA VISUAL 9-11 septiembre 2014, Urbino, Italia, Collegio del Colle “Re-mediación: Lo…

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CFP: METAMIND’2014 The Order in Destruction and the Chaos of Order. Freedom.

THE ORDER IN DESTRUCTION AND THE CHAOS OF ORDER. Freedom. Riga, September 25 – 28, 2014. National Library of Latvia/ Campenhausen’s Manor house/Gut Orellen/ Researchers from European countries and abroad are kindly invited to take part in the 2014 international research conference METAMIND’2014 The Order in Destruction and the Chaos of Order. Freedom. The international…

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Conference: Applying Peirce 2 (Tallinn and Helsinki, 21-23 April)

We are happy to announce that the second “Applying Peirce” conference will take place at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia (21 April) and the University of Helsinki, Finland (22-23 April). This second edition brings together scholars and researchers to explore and discuss Charles S. Peirce’s thought and applications in diverse fields. The year 2014 marks…

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Roundtable Marketing Semiotics at 12th World Semiotics Congress

Marketing Semiotics is becoming increasingly recognized as an emerging field of inter-disciplinary academic research and marketing practice. Marketing Semiotics is a tiger economy that fuels commercial signs’ growth. Seize the opportunity to be part of marketing semiotics’ growth by participating in the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics’ Roundtable at the forthcoming 12th World Semiotics Congress…

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