October 1-4, 2015 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Submission Deadline: May 8, 2015 Evolutionary Love: Relations and Identities in a Virtual World Charles Sanders Peirce’s concept of evolutionary love is behind the theme of this year’s conference, which prompts an exploration into the digital age of virtual relationships and identities. How have these relationships grown, or changed,…
2nd Call for Papers: Animals in the Anthropocene – Human–animal relations in a changing semiosphere Stavanger, Norway, 17–19 September 2015
Organised by the Norwegian research group of the Norwegian-Estonian research project “Animals in Changing Environments: Cultural Mediation and Semiotic Analysis” (EEA Norway Grants/Norway Financial Mechanism 2009–2014 under project contract no. EMP151). The research project is carried out in cooperation between University of Stavanger (Norway) and University of Tartu (Estonia). Co-organised by Minding Animals Norway. Venue: Kjell Arholms hus,…
Tartu Summer School of Semiotics – 2nd call of papers
SEMIOTIC (UN-)PREDICTABILITY Second Call for Papers The paradoxical co-presence of predictability and unpredictability is a fundamental aspect of the dynamics of the semiotic world. Abduction, habit, explosion, (artistic) modelling, code, interaction, meaning-making, signification, innovation, uncertainty, change, order and disorder, entropy, translation, interpretation – there are numerous concepts that reflect this tension in different kinds of semiotic…
5th issue of the Southern Semiotic Review Jornal and Call for Papers
Issue 5 (1) 2015 of this widely read, international blind/peer reviewed journal is now available at: www.southernsemioticreview.net with articles by Augusto Ponzio, Göran Sonesson, Susan Petrilli, Donna West, George Rossolatos, Nicoleta Blanariu, Benson Igboin and Oluchi Igili. Submissions for next issue (s) welcome. Additional submission by same author welcome.
CFP: Semiotics of Cultural Heritages, From Authenticity to Informatics -7-10 May 2015 – Istanbul University
Semiotics of Cultural Heritages, From Authenticity to Informatics. 7-10 May 2015 İstanbul University Department of Informatics & Fine Arts Department http://iscch2015.org/ Semiotics of Cultural Heritages is an international research project founded by Professor Eero Tarasti two years ago. It is largely based upon his theory of existential semiotics. The projects has now over 80 members,…
CFP: 2nd International Conference & Exhibition on Semiotics and Visual Communication – 2-4 October 2015, Cyprus University of Technology
NEW DEADLINE EXTENDED-31 JANUARY 2015 2nd International Conference & Exhibition on Semiotics and Visual Communication 2-4 October 2015, Cyprus University of Technology, Lemesos / Cyprus Conference web site: www.icsvc-conference.com The conference The event will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of October 2015 at the Cyprus University of Technology, and is being organized…
CFP: Chinese Semiotic Studies
Chinese Semiotic Studies Call for Papers Publisher: De Gruyter Mouton ISSN 2198-9605, e-ISSN 2198-9613 Website: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/css E-mail for submission: cssnnu@163.com Dear colleagues, It has been 6 years since Chinese Semiotic Studies (CSS) started the publication of its first issue in 2009. And it is now published by De Gruyter Mouton with 4 issues per year….
CFP: Ocula – Semiotic Eye on Media. The object is the “Semiotics of Economic Discourse”.
Semiotics of Economic Discourse Since the beginning of the crisis, some financial and economic terms have become familiar. Expressions such as “subprime”, “hedge fund”, “derivative”, “spread”, “quantitative easing”, “stress test”, “black pools”, “black liquidity” etc., are now habitual. We listen and read discussions about the distinction between “savings bank” and “investment bank”, between “public deficit”…
International Semiotic Conference “SIGN – THOUGHT – WORD – WORK”, 24-27 May 2015
International Semiotic Conference “SIGN – THOUGHT – WORD – WORK” www.semiotica.uni.lodz.pl 24-27 May 2015 Organized by the Department of Italian Studies of the University of Łódź, the Department of Pragmatics of the University of Łódź, the Interdisciplinary Center of Humanistic Sciences of the University of Łódź as well as the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Varsavia, where the Guest of…
2nd International Conference & Exhibition on Semiotics and Visual Communication – 2-4 October 2015, Cyprus University of Technology
2nd International Conference & Exhibition on Semiotics and Visual Communication 2-4 October 2015, Cyprus University of Technology, Lemesos/Cyprus Conference web site: http://icsvc-conference.com/ The conference The event will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of October 2015 at the Cyprus University of Technology, and is being organized by the Cyprus Semiotics Association together with…