CFP: Ecosemiotic Paradigm For Nature & Culture

Ecosemiotic Paradigm For Nature & Culture: Transdisciplinary Explorations in the Cybernetics of Learning, Adapting, Understanding & Knowing, Mikołów, Poland, July 9 (Monday)–12 (Thursday), 2018 Ecosemiotic Paradigm Invitation Poster The theme of this convention inscribes itself into the investigative domains of biological-evolutional psychology, semiotic phenomenology of human communication, educational sociology as well as cultural anthropology. It…

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CFP: 2nd International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities

CFP: 2nd International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SEMIOSIS IN COMMUNICATION Differences and Similarities Bucharest, 14-16 June, 2018 Conference description The second edition of the International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities will be organized by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania (NUPSPA) in participation with Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies (SEECSS) at New…

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CFP: Human existence as fieldwork, International Conference University of Palermo

Call for papers Human existence as fieldwork International Conference University of Palermo, December 6-7, 2017 Deadline for receiving abstracts: November 10, 2017 Can we consider human existence as an object of study in its own right? What do we mean when we speak of human existence? Which instruments and methods should be utilized and which…

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Academy of Cultural Heritages ACU – Opening Seminar Tentative program of the Opening Seminar Syros/Athens, Greece Oct 2- 9, 2017 Director: Professor Eero Tarasti (Helsinki), Assistants: Lazaros Papoutzis (Florina); Paul Forsell (Helsinki), Monday Oct 2nd: arrival by ferry boat at Syros from Piraeus, leaving at 7 p.m. arriving around 10.30 p.m. Tuesday Oct 3rd, Seminar, participants’ papers, Ritsos Hall,…

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CFP: Punctum 4(1), Design as Semiosis

Call for Papers Design as Semiosis Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editors: Miltos Frangopoulos and Evripides Zantides Ever since Roland Barthes, back in the mid-1950s, commented on the ideological myths infusing the design of the new Citroen DS or of the cover of Paris Match, the fates of design and semiotics have…

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CFP: IACS3-2018, Toronto: Third Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics

First Call for Participation The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics in cooperation with OCAD University and Ryerson Universityis pleased to announce The Third Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS3 – 2018) July 13–15, 2018 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Contacts Peter Coppin <> Jamin Pelkey <> Plenary speakers confirmed (as of August 15, 2017) John M. Kennedy • University of Toronto Kalevi Kull • University of Tartu Maxine Sheets-Johnstone • University of Oregon Conference Theme: MULTIMODALITIES This…

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5th volume of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics and CFP for Vol.VI

5th volume of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics and CFP for Vol.VI

International Journal of Marketing Semiotics – 2017 – vol. 5 Included in Call for papers: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.VI The International Journal of Marketing Semiotics is an open-source, double blind-reviewed academic journal that covers a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary marketing/semiotics research streams, spanning: – Conceptual approaches to the 5 P’s by drawing…

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CFP: Tattoo Iconologies – II International Studies Conference

Tattoo Iconologie Body Writings and identity related fluctuations II International Studies Conference Tattoo Iconologies The contemporary practice of tattooing is globally diffuse. From being a marginal anti-language, writing on the body has revealed itself as a globalized trend. While tattooing initially may have been a niche occurrence, being rather a minority practice, today its popularity…

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CFP: Cognitive Semiotics

Call for Papers: Cognitive Semiotics Cognitive Semiotics, published by Mouton de Gruyter, is a platform for the study of meaning-making writ large, as it is manifested in our interactions with the surroundings in all domains, in the natural as well as in the social world, in language and other semiotic resources, as well as in…

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