Summer university program at University of Tartu

Summer university program at University of Tartu: Juri Lotman and the Semiotics of Culture: Contemporary Applications, July 1-12, 2019 The aim of the course is to give an introduction to Lotman’s semiotic theory of culture, its theoretical background and context as well as new developments and applications of his theory in current semiotics and cultural…

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CFP: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics 5 (2) dedicated to the Semiotics of Monuments.

Call for Papers Semiotics of Monuments: Politics & Form from the 20th to the 21st century Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editors: Lia Yoka and Federico Bellentani The culture of monuments and memorials has undergone a profound transformation since World War II. Their material form and aesthetics has changed, while their function…

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Colloque “Les frontières de la re-présentation”

Colloque “Les frontières de la re-présentation “ 28 & 29.03.2019 Download the program: Colloque_Frontières de la re-présentation_Flyer (1) Colloque_Frontières de la re-présentation_Affiche (1) 28.03.19 à 17h00 CONTACT Palais des Beaux-Arts de Charleroi Place du Manège 1 – 6000 Charleroi 29.03.19 De 08h45 à 17h00 CONTACT Centre Universitaire Zénobe Gramme (campus ULB de Charleroi) Rue…

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The 2nd IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop

The 2nd IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop “Semiotics and Intercultural Communication” Following the success of its debut in 2018, our exciting annual program IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop continues into its second year in celebrating decades of international exchange, cooperation and coordination in the global arena of semiotics. Hosted at the School of Foreign Languages & Cultures…

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Extended deadline: 7th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal (« Algorithmes »)

The CFP for the 7th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal (« Algorithmes ») is extended until march 1st. Appel à contribution     no 7 | 2019 : Algorithmes Dossier dirigé par Fabien Richert et Emmanuelle Caccamo CFP: 7th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal (« Algorithmes »)

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CFP: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2019 (17-20 August)

CFP: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2019 (17-20 August): Semiotic dimensions of spaces & literacies Confirmed keynote speakers: João Queiroz, Kay O’Halloran, Olga Lavrenova Juri Lotman proposed that the primary semiotic dualism lies in the duplication of the world in language and the duplication of the human in space: „Genetically speaking, culture is built upon…

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First Call for Papers: 12th Conference of the IAVS-AISV

First Call for Papers: 12th Conference of the IAVS-AISV Visual semiotics goes cognitive Le tournant cognitive de la sémiotique visuelle El giro cognitivo de la semiótica visual August 22 to 24, 2019, Centre for language and literature, Lund University What can cognitive semiotics bring to visual semiotics, and vice-versa? Visual semiotics has, most of the…

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