Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris: “Les Espaces de la théorie: topologies et expériences de la pensée” (Programme et résumés)

Cher.e.s collègues, Juan Alonso et moi avons le plaisir de vous transmettre le programme (partiel, jusqu’au 8 mars 2023) du Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris, qui cette année aura pour thématique Les Espaces de la théorie : topologies et expériences de la pensée. Il débutera mercredi prochain, le 16 novembre, à 13h45. Le séminaire aura lieu à la Maison Suger (16, rue Suger,…

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1st International Conference of Asian Semiotics

A Transdisciplinary Imagination of Asian Cultural Studies 14-15 October 2022, Korea University, Seoul https://youtube.com/channel/UCjNM8OS28EiLZH3KtnitVrg Theme: 1st International Conference of Asian SemioticsTime: 2022. 10. 14.  12:30-20:00 (Seoul Time) Zoom participationhttps://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/97054275490?pwd=RUsxNjVKandTOTFrMGhaMnZySUIydz09 ID: 970 5427 5490CODE : 0s2K8o3C3o ID: 970 5427 5490https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/u/aclHu82ZkS Theme : 1st International Conference of Asian SemioticsTime : 2022. 10. 15. 9am-20:00 (Seoul Time) Zoom…

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CiSS Urbino Seminars’ Week (in presence and online) + Party (12-16 September, 2022)

Dear all, please, find attached the program of the CiSS Urbino 2022 Seminars’ Week.  Our seminars will take place both in presence and online, through the ZOOM platform, using the link: https://uniurb-it.zoom.us/j/87851983741?pwd=UHNjNzE1NXpzU3FWSlYwbW00Vnh6dz09 Meeting ID: 878 5198 3741Passcode: 728893 I also send to you the poster of the party that we organise at the Fortezza Albornoz, in collaboration with the Libreria…

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Semiofest Mexico 2022

This year for Semiofest is very special. After a long two year forced pause, we will all finally meet. This time in the city that has long and diverse story to tell. The city with one of the biggest quantity of museums all over the world, thousands of nooks with overlapping cultural layers, signs and…

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Seminari di Semiotica di Urbino (12-16 Septembre, 2022)

Chers collègues, chers amis, nous avons le plaisir de vous envoyer les programmes définitifs des séminaires 2022 du Centre de sémiotique d’Urbino. On compte sur votre présence, contactez-nous si vous souhaitez participer, merci, bien cordialement, Gianfranco Marrone et Tiziana Migliore

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The 13th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies: Feeling, Skill, Knowledge (7-9, June, 2023, Helsinki, Finland):

The 13th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies focuses on the epistemologies and ontologies of signs and minds and how the processes of signification entail different aspects of feeling, skill, and knowledge.Connecting to the systemic relationality of the subject and the world, these viewpoints on doing and being, discourse and development have been…

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CiSS Urbino Seminars’ Week (in presence and online) (12-16 September 2022)

Carissimi, vi invitiamo a partecipare ai seminari 2022 del Centro Internazionale di Scienze Semiotiche Umberto Eco dell’Università di Urbino. In allegato la locandina. I seminari, previsti nella settimana 12-16 settembre, saranno in modalità mista, in presenza e on line. Ci piacerebbe che foste di persona con noi, quest’anno ci sarà la possibilità di visitare il prezioso Archivio…

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International Symposium: “How Do We Live with the Meanings of the Past?”, Université Ca’ Foscari (Venice, 26th – 27th May, 2022)

Chères et chers collègues, j’ai le plaisir de vous convier au Symposium International How Do We Live with the Meanings of the Past? Archaeology and Semiotics: Reconstruction of Multiple Identities organisé à l’Université Ca’ Foscari de Venise le 26 et le 27 mai,dans l’Aula Magna Trentin de Ca’ Dolfin, en collaboration avec le Centre International de Sciences Sémiotiques…

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Colloque à Balıkesir, Turquie (16-18 juin 2022)

Bonjour, Nous invitons de présenter votre communication et/ou d’écouter les conférenciers invités. Le Cercle sémiotique de Turquie (https://turkgostergebilimi.com/) et l’association de la sémiotique anatolienne organise un atelier/ colloque à Balıkesir, en Turquie les 16-18 juin 2022. Nous discuterons l’avenir de la sémiotique les métiers futurs basés sur la discipline de la sémiotique etc. Nous avons…

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