1st Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2010 Workshop. Thema: Multimodal corpora: Advances in capturing, coding and analyzing multimodality. Auskunft: Michael Kipp, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Campus D3.2, D–66123 Saarbrücken (EMail: Anvil@dfki.de, Internet: http://multimodal-corpora.org/ mmc10.html).
13.5.–15.5.10 in Leipzig – Internationale Tagung „Über die Worte hinaus“
Internationale Tagung „Über die Worte hinaus“. Thema: Kontextualismus, Minimalismus und die Semantik/Pragmatik-Unterscheidung. Auskunft: Cornelia Schulze, Institut für Germanistik, Universität Leipzig, Beethovenstraße 15, D–04107 Leipzig (E-Mail: cschulze@rz.uni-leipzig.de, Internet: http://beyondthewordsconference.wordpress.com/).
23.4.–24.4.10 in Birmingham – Academic Conference at the Birmingham and Midland Institute
Academic Conference at the Birmingham and Midland Institute. Thema: Modernism and utopia: Convergences in the arts. Auskunft: Nathan Waddell, Department of English, College of Arts and Law, University of Birmingham, GB–B15 2TT Birmingham (E-Mail: modernism-utopia@hotmail.co.uk, Internet: http://www.mod-utopia.bham.ac.uk/).
22.4.–24.4.10 in Marburg – Workshop on „Critical Neuroscience”
Workshop on „Critical Neuroscience”. Thema: Alternatives to Neurocentrism in Philosophy and Psychiatry. Auskunft: Jan Slaby, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Institut für Philosophie, Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6b, D–35032 Marburg (E-Mail: slaby@staff.uni-marburg.de, Internet: http://www.criticalneuroscience. org/).
14.4.–16.4.10 in Tilburg Sydney – Tilburg conference on The Future of Philosophy of Science
Sydney-Tilburg conference on The Future of Philosophy of Science. Auskunft: Mark Colyvan, Tilburg University, PO Box 90153, NL– 5000 LE Tilburg (E-Mail: mcolyvan@uq.edu.au, Internet: http://www.uvt.nl/tilps/FPS2010/).
13.4.–16.4.10 in Venedig – 9th Congress of the International Association for Visual Semiotics
9th Congress of the International Association for Visual Semiotics. Thema: Rhetoric of visuality. Images strategies, between signification and communication. Auskunft: Tiziana Migliore, International Semiotics Laboratory, Sede delle Terese, Dorsoduro 2206, I–30123 Venezia (E-Mail: tiziana@iuav.it, Internet: http://www.iuav.it/).
9.4.–10.4.10 in Amsterdam – From Text to Political Positions
From Text to Political Positions. Thema: From sentiments and opinions in texts to party positions. Auskunft: Alan Cienki, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Metropolitan Building, Buitenveldertselaan 3-7, NL–1082 VA Amsterdam, The Netherlands (E-Mail: T2PP@let.vu.nl, Internet: http://www2.let.vu.nl/oz/cltl/t2pp/index.html).
INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL FOR SEMIOTIC AND STRUCTURAL STUDIES, SUMMER SCHOOLS AND FESTIVAL: 25 YEARS SEMIOTICS IN IMATRA to be held in Imatra, Finland, June 11 – 15, 2010 We are pleased to announce the research seminars and International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies. The seminars will be organized by the International Semiotics Institute…
Call for Papers: From Observation to Text, from Text to Culture Two Paths of Semiotics? International Conference Tallinn University (Estonia), 7-8 may, 2010
(French version follows) Call for paper From Observation to Text, from Text to Culture Two Paths of Semiotics? International Conference Tallinn University (Estonia), 7-8 may, 2010 Deadline for receiving abstracts: April 10, 2010 How to define semiotics? Which practices delimit its knowledge? The first answer is that semiotics has to do with texts and with…
Call for Papers (in English and French) for the International Conference on The Everyday, organized by The Hellenic Semiotic Society and the Department of French Studies and Modern Languages of the University of Cyprus (5-7 November 2010, Nicosia, Cyprus).
THE EVERYDAY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (French version follows) The Hellenic Semiotic Society and the Department of French Studies and Modern Languages of the University of Cyprus are organizing an international conference on The Everyday. The conference will take place from 5 to 7 November 2010 in Nicosia, Cyprus. Working languages are English, French, and Greek. From…