Jeff Bernard In Memorian: 12.09.1943–24.02.2010 Gloria Withalm Death Notice Dear Friends and Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with deepest sorrow that I announce the death of our friend and colleague, my partner Jeff Bernard. Jeff passed away entirely unexpectedly after suffering a severe heart attack on Wednesday, February 24, 2010. Please find attached…
Autour de la sémiotique existentielle Table ronde
Mercredi 21 avril de 14 h à 18 h Autour de la sémiotique existentielle Table ronde Eero Tarasti, l’un des leaders mondiaux de la sémiotique – pour reprendre les mots de l’Indiana University Press –, a publié l’été dernier chez l’Harmattan son nouvel ouvrage en français : Fondements de la sémiotique existentielle. Il s’agit d’une nouvelle phase de…
Aniversario del Programa de Semiótica de Puebla, México.
Estimados colegas: Con gran satisfacción estamos terminando el año en que se cumple el décimo aniversario de la fundación del Programa de Semiótica y Estudios de la Significación (SeS) de la BUAP, centro de investigación y docencia adscrito a la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado de esta institución. El SeS fue creado a…
The Master’s Degree Programme in Semiotics at the University of Helsinki
The Master’s Degree Programme in Semiotics is a new graduate programme hosted by the Insti-tute for Art Research at the Faculty of Arts. Participating partners at the University of Helsinki are the Department of Sociology, the Department of Slavonic and Baltic Languages and Literatures, and the Christina Institute for Women’s Studies. Close co-operation through exchange…
English language MA in Semiotics at Tartu University
Announcing English language MA in Semiotics at Tartu University Tartu University is home for a unique centre of semiotics, based in the Department of Semiotics, one of the oldest in the world, established already by Juri Lotman. It has long-term traditions in research, and teaching in BA, MA, and PhD level. Now we are glad…