Call for papers: Lexia, 39-40, “Heritage and the City”
HERITAGE AND THE CITY – Semiotics and Politics of Cultural Memory in Urban Spaces

Guest Editors: Francesco Mazzucchelli (University of Bologna), Maria Rosaria Vitale (University of Catania), Massimo Leone (University of Turin/University of Shanghai)
This Special Issue of Lexia aims at bringing together articles that critically reflect, from a semiotic angle, on the relation between cultural memory and the city, exploring the semiotic and political role that cultural heritage plays today within urban spaces, with a specific, although not exclusive, focus on difficult, uncomfortable and dissonant heritage (Macdonald; Tunbridge & Ashworth). Contributions from all disciplines dealing with cultural heritage are welcomed, since the issue intends to propose an interdisciplinary dialogue about the semiotic dimension of heritage in urban environments, that is, its meaning, but also its processes of construction, transformation, interpretation and translation.
January 30, 2021: deadline for contributions
February 28, 2021: deadline for referees
April 15, 2021: deadline for revised versions of contributions June 30, 2021: publication of “Lexia”.
Contributions, 30,000 characters max, MLA stylesheet, with a 500 words max English abstract and 5 English key–words, should be sent to:
Languages/lingue/langues/lenguas: English, Italiano, Français, Español.
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