Call for papers: Eighth International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 16-18 June 2011

2011  Linnaeus University, Sweden Eighth International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 16-18 June 2011 The eighth in a series of biennial international and interdisciplinary symposia organized by the Iconicity Research Project since 1997, this meeting will once again focus on iconicity – understood as form miming meaning and form, and meaning miming form…

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Jacques Geninasca in Memorian

Jacques was the very first Treasurer of the IASS-AIS from its foundation in 1969 until the Palermo Congress in 1984. Following is the death notice: Estimados amigos y colegas: Tengo el triste deber de comunicarles que Jacques Geninasca profesor emérito de Historia de la Literatura Francesa desde el Renacimiento hasta la Actualidad ha fallecido en Neuchâtel…

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Jeff Bernard In Memorian

Jeff Bernard In Memorian: 12.09.1943–24.02.2010 Gloria Withalm Death Notice Dear Friends and Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with deepest sorrow that I announce the death of our friend and colleague, my partner Jeff Bernard. Jeff passed away entirely unexpectedly after suffering a severe heart attack on Wednesday, February 24, 2010. Please find attached…

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