Call for papers: Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique

Chers et chères Collègues, Je suis heureux de partager le lien d’un nouvel appel à contributions de la Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique, “La sémiotique juridique du visage numérique”, un numéro monographique coordonné par Gabriele Marino et par moi-même. Mes salutations cordiales, Massimo LEONE

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Fonseca on signs (“ID” I, 8-11) (March 26)

Sharpen your expertise… and be amenable to the teachings of the Portuguese Aristotle. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ Fonseca on signs (“ID” I, 8-11) March 26, 2022 / 4pm (UTC) Lecturer: António Manuel Martins Commentator: Cristóvão Marinheiro Chair: William Passarini Meeting room: Stream link: António Manuel Martins is a Full…

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Call for papers: The Legal Semiotics of the Digital Face (Guest Editors: Gabriele Marino – Massimo Leone)

Open access monographic issue of the “International Journal for the Semiotics of Law” (Oct. 2023) Gabriele MARINO*, Massimo LEONE**,eds. * University of Turin, Turin, Italy** University of Turin, Turin, Italy; Shanghai University, Shanghai, China; Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK; Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy How can semiotics and, especially, legal semiotics contribute to the understanding of…

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Call for papers: revue Signata, “Nourrir le sens : alimentation, mythe et signification / Nurturing Meaning: Food, Myth and Signification”

Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous transmettre l’appel à articles (en anglais et en français) pour le numéro 15 de la revue Signata Annales des sémiotiques / Annals of Semiotics qui aura pour titre : Nourrir le sens : alimentation, mythe et signification / Nurturing Meaning: Food, Myth and Signification. Ce numéro sera coordonné par Simona Stano de…

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Congrès de l’AFS

Chers Collègues,  Le prochain Congrès de l’AFS, consacré aux «Transitions: Écologiques, Numériques, Sociales et Anthropiques» aura lieu du 4 au 7 avril prochains à Limoges.  Vous trouverez l’ensemble des informations sur l’événement à l’adresse suivante: Bien cordialement,Audrey MOUTAT

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New issue: DeSignis, 35 “Cognitive Semiotics: New Paradigms”, edited by Azún López-Varela Azcárate

Dear colleagues from the IASS-AIS, It is with great pleasure that DeSignis, the journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), announces the online publication of its 35nd issue, dedicated to cognitive semiotics. With the title ‘Semióticas cognitivas: nuevos paradigmas’’ [Cognitive Semiotics: New Paradigms], the issue was edited by Azún López-Varela Azcárate, with the…

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“Paolo Fabbri” Summer School of Semiotic Methodology

Care colleghe, cari colleghi, il Circolo Semiologico Siciliano ha istituito la Scuola estiva di metodologia semiotica “Paolo Fabbri”, che si terrà a Erice (TP), dall’11 al 15 luglio 2022, presso il Convento San Carlo. Il titolo della prima edizione è “Retoriche in edicola: il discorso giornalistico”. La Scuola si rivolge a laureandi, dottorandi e ricercatori in semiotica…

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“De-Sign”: The Mutual Fulfillment of God’s Will and Human Desire (John Deely/Jacques Maritain Lecture Series) (March 24)

Savor the bliss… and soak up each dimension of an existence stretching out through the irreversible pulse of Creation. Event times around the world ZOOM: IO2S ⚘ “De-Sign”: The Mutual Fulfillment of God’s Will and Human Desire (John Deely/Jacques Maritain Lecture Series) March 24, 2022 / 4pm (ET), 8pm (UTC) To all the research community…

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The Supra-Subjective Nature of Relation: John Deely’s “Semiotic” Response to the Modern Impasse (March 18)

Open hears… and you will be involved in the fullest relationships once a candle is shone in the shadowy chambers of modernity. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ The Supra-Subjective Nature of Relation: John Deely’s “Semiotic” Response to the Modern Impasse March 18, 2022 / 11pm (IST), 5:30pm (UTC) Lecturer: Banzelão Teixeira Commentator: Scott…

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