“A global enterprise”: Deely, Sebeok and the “sop to Cerberus” in semiotics (December 10)

Make the most of it… and you will be reminded of how the brightest minds have always had the nerve to devise ways of arriving at common ground. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ “A global enterprise”: Deely, Sebeok and the “sop to Cerberus” in semiotics December 10, 2022 / 4pm (UTC) Lecturer: Paul…

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Conférence: “La sémiotique au musée. Regards, approches, méthodes”, de Isabella Pezzini (9 décembre 10.30-12.30, Université de Liège)

Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la conférence d’Isabella Pezzini (Université La Sapienza, Rome) « La sémiotique au musée. Regards, approches, méthodes » qui se tiendra le 9 décembre prochain de 10h30 à 12h30 à l’Université de Liège.  Cette conférence, organisée en collaboration avec Rita Occhiuto (ULiège), aura lieu à la Salle Pousseur (Complexe Opéra) et en ligne…

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The Deely method: an archaeological stroll across biosemiotics and cybernetics (December 3)

Hands on… and join forces to augment the methodological spectrum of interdisciplinary scholarship in the humanities. Following Deely’s archaeology of concepts, this talk will explore the extent to which key concepts in biosemiotics such as information, communication, systems and constraints to name a few, can be related to a systematic and cybernetic heritage. It is…

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Call for papers: Conference “Contemporary Umwelt Analysis: Applications for Culture and Ecological Relations” (18-19 April, 2023, University of Tartu, Estonia)

Umwelt analysis, initially proposed by Jakob von Uexküll, revolutionised studies on animal behaviour and perception by targeting them as semiotic phenomena, that is, based on meanings and signs. In the Institute of Umwelt research in Hamburg, of which Uexküll was the director, umwelt theory served as a shared theoretical ground for research on topics as…

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The Semiotics of Religion in the Digital Era (December 2)

Stand ready… and you will find out why religion has its share of semiotics even when life reveals the gelid traits of a faceless reality. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ The Semiotics of Religion in the Digital Era December 2, 2022 / 6pm (CET), 5pm (UTC) Lecturer: Massimo Leone Commentator: Leif Weatherby Chair:…

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Call for papers: 13th Annual Lotman Conference at Tallinn University, “Fear in Culture and Culture of Fear” (15–17 June 2023)

Fear plays an important role in human culture on the individual as well as on the collective level serving as one of the constraints that regulates people’s choices and behaviour.However, at times the mechanism of fear seems to spiral out of control, and fear spreads like an epidemic infecting meaning-making processes in various areas of…

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Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris: “Les Espaces de la théorie: topologies et expériences de la pensée”

Cher.e.s collègues, Juan Alonso et moi avons le plaisir de vous transmettre les résumés des deux interventions de la séance du 30 novembre prochain du Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris, Les Espaces de la théorie : topologies et expériences de la pensée. Le séminaire se tiendra à 13h45 à la Maison Suger (16, rue Suger, Paris 6e) et en distanciel (via ce…

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Appel à articles: revue Visible, numéro 12

Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la reprise de la publication de la revue Visible, initialement parue sur support papier, en version numérique, aux Presses universitaires de Limoges (PULIM), en fin d’année2023.Les 11 numéros publiés de 2005 à 2014 seront disponibles sur ce support numérique. En prévision du numéro 12, un Appel à…

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