Book: Towards a semiotics of brand equity: Brand coherence and communicative consistency through structuralist operations and rhetorical transformations

The principal aim of the book at hand consists in a prolegomena to the construction of an innovative approach of structuralist rhetorical semiotics as a formal metalanguage and method in the form of a conceptual model, coupled with a transformative grammar and a stepwise methodology with view to addressing a crucial gap in the existing…

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WATS – the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics: “2012 Symposium”

WATS – the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics “2012 Symposium” – in conjunction with IASS-2012 at Nanjing Normal University; October 5-9, 2012   Major Theme: Recent Results in Theoretical Semiotics   PRELIMINARY PROGRAM   1.         Roundtable # 47; Abraham Solomonick, Organizer             Topic: “General” vs “Branch” Semiotics 2.         Submitted Papers #1: The Role of Experimental…

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Book: Sémiotique de l’âme (3 vols) – Massimo Leone

See presentation pages vol.1 in PDF: Massimo Leone 2012 – Sémiotique de l âme – Volume I – Pages de présentation (1) See presentation pages vol.2 in PDF: Massimo Leone 2012 – Sémiotique de l âme volume II – Pages de présentation See presentation pages vol.3 in PDF: Massimo Leone 2012 – Sémiotique de l âme volume III –…

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CFP: Ninth International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 3-5 May 2013

2013  Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan Iconicity: East meets West Ninth International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 3-5 May 2013 The ninth in a series of biennial international and interdisciplinary symposia organized by the Iconicity Research Project since 1997, this meeting will once again focus on iconicity – understood as form miming meaning and form,…

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The 25 year anniversary symposium of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies held in Imatra

Press release The Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS) June 22, 2012 The 25 year anniversary symposium of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies held in Imatra On June 9th the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS) marked its 25 year anniversary in Imatra, Finland, as part of the 27th International Summer School for Semiotic…

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CFP: Lexia n. 14: Ecstasy

CALL FOR PAPERS Lexia n. 14: Ecstasy Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Torino, Italy, invites contributions to be published in issue n. 14 of the new series. The topic of the forthcoming issue is “Ecstasy”. In several historical periods, socio-cultural contexts, and…

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