Book Realease in Nanjing: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the IASS-AIS

The Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the IASS-AIS (A Coruña) will be launched during the 11th World Congress of the IASS-AIS in Nanjing.  Culture of Communication/Communication of Culture. Culture de la Communication/Communication de la Culture. Cultura de la Comunicación/Comunicación de la Cultura. Proceedings of  the 10th World Congress of the International Association for…

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On the Eve of the World Congress in Nanjing: Presidential Address

Eero Tarasti On the Eve of the World Congress in Nanjing: Presidential Address Dear Semioticians: Our next world congress approaches, to be held at Nanjing Normal University in Nanjing. Our Chinese colleagues have been working very hard to assure its success. I think this is indeed an historical event, as seen from here in northern…

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CFP: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics PRESS RELEASE: LAUNCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKETING SEMIOTICS (IJMS) We are pleased to announce the official launch of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics ( The mission of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics is to constitute a reference point in state-of-the-art academic research in the field of marketing semiotics, by enhancing…

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Journal of Cognitive Semiotics, new issue: The Intersubjectivity of Embodiment

Journal of Cognitive Semiotics, new issue: The Intersubjectivity of Embodiment The newly re-launched Journal of Cognitive Semiotics announces the online publication of Vol. IV, No. 1: The Intersubjectivity of Embodiment, guest edited by Riccardo Fusaroli,  Paolo Demuru, and Anna Borghi, with contributions by Colwyn Trevarthen, Patrizia Violi, Michael Kimmel, Maurizio Gentilucci, Claudia Gianelli, Giovanna Cristina…

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Book: Towards a semiotics of brand equity: Brand coherence and communicative consistency through structuralist operations and rhetorical transformations

The principal aim of the book at hand consists in a prolegomena to the construction of an innovative approach of structuralist rhetorical semiotics as a formal metalanguage and method in the form of a conceptual model, coupled with a transformative grammar and a stepwise methodology with view to addressing a crucial gap in the existing…

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WATS – the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics: “2012 Symposium”

WATS – the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics “2012 Symposium” – in conjunction with IASS-2012 at Nanjing Normal University; October 5-9, 2012   Major Theme: Recent Results in Theoretical Semiotics   PRELIMINARY PROGRAM   1.         Roundtable # 47; Abraham Solomonick, Organizer             Topic: “General” vs “Branch” Semiotics 2.         Submitted Papers #1: The Role of Experimental…

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Book: Sémiotique de l’âme (3 vols) – Massimo Leone

See presentation pages vol.1 in PDF: Massimo Leone 2012 – Sémiotique de l âme – Volume I – Pages de présentation (1) See presentation pages vol.2 in PDF: Massimo Leone 2012 – Sémiotique de l âme volume II – Pages de présentation See presentation pages vol.3 in PDF: Massimo Leone 2012 – Sémiotique de l âme volume III –…

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