1st International Congress of Numanities “ICoN”

1st International Congress of Numanities “ICoN”, International Semiotics Institute in Kaunas, Lithuania Monday 2 to Saturday 7 June, 2014. www.isisemiotics.eu/icon isisemiotics@gmail.com The congress theme is “The role of humanities in contemporary society: semiotics, culture, technologies”. Humanities have undergone a complex process of transition in research, everyday practices, policies, and educational approaches. The main goal of…

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CFP: First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics Conference, IACS-2014

Second Call for Papers First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) Conference, September 25-27, 2014, Lund, Sweden http://conference.ht.lu.se/iacs-2014/ The First International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) Conference (IACS-2014) will be held in September 25-27, at Lund University, Sweden. Founded in Aarhus, Denmark, on May 29, 2013, The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics aims at the further establishment of…

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Conference in Tartu 6th Dec 2013- Estonian Semiotics Association

The Estonian Semiotics Association is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a one-day conference in Tartu on the 6th of December, 2013. The conference will focus on the analysis on Estonian current and future culture, society and environment, and also the developments and future of the discipline of Semiotics in Estonia. The conference includes presentations on musical…

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Obituary for Pino Paioni

El director y el comité científico del CISISM (Centro Internacional de Estudios Interculturales de Semiótica y Morfología) anuncian con profundo pesar el fallecimiento del profesor Pino Paioni, un colega y un  amigo que ha dirigido durante muchos años, con competenca y coherencia,  el Centro Internacional de Semiótica y Lingüística de la Universidad de Urbino Carlo Bo. Este…

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The 2nd International Conference of Semiosis Research Center (ICSRC), Seoul, Korea

 The 2nd International Conference of Semiosis Research Center (ICSRC), at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea – May 23rd ,2014 Call for Papers (ICSRC-CfP2014-3)  Narrative and Multimodality The ICSRC is a premier international conference covering interdisciplinary dialogues on semiosis (sign processes). The Semiosis Research Center (SRC) is a research institute sponsored by Korea Research Foundation and its…

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Seminar on methodology of ecosemiotics

Seminar on methodology of ecosemiotics November 28-19, 2013, Tartu, in Tartu Loodusmaja, Lille 10 The relationship of cultural phenomena and various subjects with their respective environments has been a central research interest in semiotics. The seminar will focus on the methods and methodological problems in semiotic studies of relations between cultural phenomena, living beings and…

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New book – Beginnings of the semiotics of culture. Edited by Silvi Salupere, Peeter Torop, Kalevi Kull

New book from the Tartu Semiotics Library series: Silvi Salupere, Peeter Torop, Kalevi Kull (eds.) 2013. Beginnings of the semiotics of culture. (Tartu Semiotics Library vol. 13.) Tartu: University of Tartu Press. 133 p. (Pb) A landmark of Tartu semiotics for nearly half of a century now is the semiotics of culture. The semiotic study…

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New book – Meaning Making: It’s what we do; it’s who we are by Floyd Merrell

New book by Floyd Merrell (from the University of Tartu Press): merrell, floyd 2013. Meaning Making: It’s what we do; it’s who we are (A transdisciplinary approach). (Tartu Semiotics Library vol. 12.) Tartu: University of Tartu Press. 321 p. (Pb) Meaning Making: It’s what we do; it’s who we are (A transdisciplinary approach) is a…

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