Panico, Mario. 2024. Spaces for Nostalgia : Difficult Memories and Material Consolations. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. How is nostalgia expressed through space? Studies of nostalgia have long illustrated the emotional dynamics which condition our desire to go back to a time and a space that belong to the past. This book addresses this condition from an…
Séminaire Sémiotique IA Paris 15 janvier 25
Maria Giulia Dondero et Juan Alonso ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la première séance de 2025 de notre Séminaire International de Sémiotique de Paris « Intelligence artificielle générative et nouveaux enjeux sémiotiques. Traduction et appropriations créatives » qui se tiendra mercredi 15 janvier à la Maison Suger (16, rue Suger) de 13h45 à 17h00. Deux…
Conference – “Upcycling as an Ecological and Cultural Practice”
We invite you to the conference “Upcycling as an Ecological and Cultural Practice”, which will take place on January 16–17, 2025, in Turin. This interdisciplinary event brings together scholars and practitioners to explore the ecological, cultural, and creative dimensions of upcycling, a practice at the forefront of sustainability and innovation. You will find the detailed…
Appel à Communication – Colloque Échelle, mesure, démesure… incommensurabilité. Questions sémiotiques.
Veuillez trouver en pièce jointe un appel à communication et le texte d’orientation pour le colloque Échelle, mesure, démesure… incommensurabilité. Questions sémiotiques organisé par le Réseau Doctoral GPS et l’Association Française de Sémiotique en collaboration avec les Universités de Tartu et de Middlesex et qui aura lieu à l’Université Paris Cité du 25 au 27 juin 2025. Les propositions d’intervention sont…
Journal Publication : Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, volume 10, issue 1.
The new issue of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics (, volume 10, issue 1, is dedicated to “The Semiotics of Animation. From Traditional Forms to Contemporary Innovations” and co-edited by Ilia Katsaridou (Ionian University) and Loukia Kostopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
The scientific journal Linguistic Frontiers is editing a Special Issue, hosting Dr Pauline Suzanne Delahaye as the guest editor. This special issue will primarily focus on three key (or closely related) topics:– unresolved problems in semiotics, particularly in its interaction with other sciences such as biology, neurosciences, language sciences or ethology; – shifts in semiotic…
Call for Papers – Image, Imagination, Communication: Exploring the Ethical as Natural orArtificial, Real or Surreal
May 28-30, 2025 | Power Center Ballroom The 18th Biennial Communication Ethics conference and the Silver Jubilee Anniversary Conference (2000-2025) of the International Communicology Institute will explore current research on the “image” and “imagination,” broadly conceived, across the human sciences. Our focus is on the phenomenological, semiotic, rhetorical and ethical foundations of communication in the experience of…
Book Publication : Bruno Latour in the Semiotic Turn. An Inquiry into the Networks of Meaning
Peverini, Paolo. Bruno Latour in the Semiotic Turn. An Inquiry into the Networks of Meaning. Cham: Springer, 2024 This open access book highlights the link between Bruno Latour’s works and the semiotic perspective on social phenomena analysis. It identifies and relaunches a dialogue that was as heated as it was fruitful, but still little recognized within the social sciences….
Journal Publication : Estudos Semióticos
Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer la parution du Vol. 20 No 3 (2024) de la revue brésilienne Estudos Semióticos. Le dossier thématique Du Sens II, quarante ans plus tard : la pensée de Greimas en devenir, dirigé par Jacques Fontanille (Université de Limoges), Ivã Carlos Lopes (USP) et Eliane Soares de Lima (UFF), est disponible en portugais, anglais…