2nd Multidisciplinary Summer School on Design as Inquiry

The Project “Creating Knowledge through Design and Conceptual Innovation” co-funded by the European Commission is proud to announce the 2nd Multidisciplinary Summer School on Design as Inquiry, which is taking place from 13-16 June 2013 in Helsinki, Finland hostet by Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (MET). There will also be a Pre-Summer School Workshop on 12th of June, 2013. We would like to invite practitioners, researchers, teachers and students to participate to the design challenge “Designing Spaces That Encourage Active Engagement”: For more information please visit our project website:http://www.knowledge-through-design.uni-kiel.de/summer-school-2013

The design challenge will allow us to collaboratively work through all phases of a Design as Inquiry process. During this year`s Summer School we want to explore with you possibilities to inquire spaces surrounding us in order to understand underlying mechanism and to develop new creative ideas for the design of spaces for active engagement. Space is not limited to physical space, but includes mental, social, cultural as well as virtual space.

If one of the following or a similar question matters to you and your work, you might consider the Summer School as a valuable place for learning and sharing ideas and practices:

  • How to create an (organisational) climate (space) for knowledge sharing and (organisational) learning?
  • How to engage students in collective learning in higher education?
  • How to stimulate/provoke/trigger the appropriation/reclaimation of (semi)-public spaces for novel forms of social engagement and citizenship?
  • How to create creative co-design environments?
  • How to use spaces for inquiry in research? .

The Summer School might also be interesting to you, if you experienced the following or similar situations:

  • you are a teacher aiming at empowering students in order to develop their competencies to create innovative and sustainable solutions for real life problems.
  • you are a researcher involved in (often multidisciplinary) projects which aim at research & development. You look for approaches which allow to integrate research and design.
  • you are a practitioner interested in practice-led research (e.g. virtual spaces, personal learning environments, e-learning, online training courses, knowledge management or process management).
  • you are a student who wants to know more about the approach “design as inquiry” to develop competences for producing new knowledge and innovation for any project that is facing open ended problems.

The deadline for application is 31 March 2013.

As a student you can win a grant if you submit a short paper.
 Please visit our website for additional information about the summer school and the application process:http://www.knowledge-through-design.uni-kiel.de/summer-school-2013

Please feel free to forward this message to people who might be interested in design as inquiry and in the aforementiond design challenge.
We are looking forward to see you in Helsinki!

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