WATS – the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics: “2012 Symposium”

WATS – the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics

“2012 Symposium” – in conjunction with

IASS-2012 at Nanjing Normal University; October 5-9, 2012


Major Theme: Recent Results in Theoretical Semiotics




1.         Roundtable # 47; Abraham Solomonick, Organizer

            Topic: “General” vs “Branch” Semiotics

2.         Submitted Papers #1: The Role of Experimental Semiotics in Developing Semiotic Theory

1. Donna West: “How Experimental Results Affect the Design of Semiotic Theory”

2. Charls Pearson: “How Instrumental Parameters Affect the Interpretation of Semiotic Theory”

3. TBA

3.         Submitted Papers #2: Progress in Peircean Semiotic Theory

1. William James McCurdy: “Triadic Relational Networks in Peirce’s Semeiotic”

2. Charls Pearson: “Logic and the Structure of the Peircean Sign”

3. Søren Brier: “Peircean Philosophy of Mind: Is a Theory of Mind Possible?”

4.         Roundtable # 46; Charls Pearson, Organizer

Topic: “The Status of Theoretical Semiotics”


Charls Pearson; American Semiotics Research Institute; Atlanta

Gu Jia-zu; Nanjing Normal University; Nanjing

Göran Sonesson; Lund University; Lund

Søren Brier; Copenhagen Business School; Copenhagen

5.         Submitted Papers #3: More Progress in Semiotic Theory

1. Göran Sonesson: “The Mind in the Picture and the Picture in the Mind”

2. Carlos Vidales: “Building Communicology”

3. TBA

6.         Business Session


1. Election of Officers

2. Call for next Symposium

3. System for Member Communication

4. New Business

5. Discussion

7.         Dinner at a Local Restaurant (Dutch treat)

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