Wanted: Book Review Editor for the Semiotic Society of America
The American Journal of Semiotics (TAJS), the scholarly journal of the Semiotic Society of America (SSA), welcomes applications for Book Review Editor.
This position will support the editorial work of The American Journal of Semiotics in the following ways:
- assisting the TAJS editorial team in identifying books worth reviewing, soliciting publishers for a copy (print or electronic), receiving them, and maintaining a list that keeps track of their reviewing status;
- enlisting scholars to review those books and providing them with the paper or electronic copy;
- administering the reviewing process: scheduling it with a close-in review-completion date, maintaining contact with reviewers (sending them reminders), ensuring review integrity, receiving and copy-editing reviews as needed, conforming them to the SSA stylesheet, and inserting them in the journal’s production workflow.
The Book Review Editor receives no remuneration but gets a chance to work with wonderful scholars from everywhere, and to learn a great deal while remaining up-to-date on the latest scholarship. This position is appointed by the SSA Executive Director and reports to the journal’s Editor-in-Chief. Expected hours of work per month is approximately 10, though highly variable.
Applicants should send a CV along with an expression of competence and interest (including their university affiliation) via email to both SSA Executive Director Javier Clavere (claverej@berea.edu or semioticsociety@gmail.com) and TAJS Editor-in-Chief André De Tienne (adetienn@iupui.edu or cpeirce@iupui.edu). The application deadline is 31 May 2021.
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