Call for papers for the next issue of Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication

The advent of the internet and digital technologies in general has wrought deep changes to the socio-cultural tissue in almost every part of the world. Predigital cultural works and phenomena live a new digital life, remediated in interactive form. The media and entertainment industries have transformed successful narratives, characters and entire fictional worlds from the past into lucrative franchises for serial production of FX movies, TV series on demand, videogames, reality shows and home robots. AI generated narratives, based on classical fairytale structures populate the web; Gen Z translators published the first classical novels in SMS writing style while professional old school translators are striving at updating the wording of the old characters with internet slang. All this intensive metabolism of the digital semiosphere calls for semiotic attention and although a lot has been done so far, we would like to invite open minded semiotic scholars for their theoretic and applied contribution on Translation/Transformation of:

– movies into videogames

– literature into movies

– movies into literature

– literature into memes

– comics into videogames

– videogames into reality shows

– literature into VR

– movies into amusement parks

– music into video

– literature into music

– music into ethics

– ethics into memes

– politics into reality shows

– all other unlisted combinations

Deadline for the abstracts (200-300 words): 15 February 2022;

Deadline for full papers: 30 July 2022;

Deadline for the final revised papers: 30 September 2022;

Publication: October 2022

The working languages of the journal is English.

This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.

The journal will be published by New Bulgarian University Publishing House.

Editors-in-chief: Prof. Kristian Bankov, PhD

For more information and submission of papers:

Please spread the call among your colleagues:

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