The new elected bureau at the 13th Congress of the AISV in Bogotá, Colombia

The members of the IAVS/AISV voted for the new bureau at the General Assembly celebrated on Friday 29 September 2023 at Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano (room Hemiciclo, 19:15 to 20:45).

The elected bureau is composed as follows:

President: Maria Giulia Dondero ​​​(Belgium)

General Secretary: Juan Alberto Condé Aldana​ (Colombia)

Treasurer: Tiziana Migliore (Italy)


Europe: ​

Tiziana Migliore​​ (Italy)

Everardo Reyes ​​(France)

Latin America:

José Enrique Finol​​ (Ecuador/Venezuela)

​​​Juan Carlos Mendoza ​(Colombia)

Third Zone: ​​

Valérie Angenot (Canada)


Anne Beyaert-Geslin ​​(France)

Sara Lenninger ​​(Sweden)

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