Southern Semiotic Review Issue 3 and Call for Papers

SSR_v1SOUTHERN SEMIOTIC REVIEW – Issue 3 (2014) now available at

This  journal welcomes papers with general semiotic methodology and subject matter, as well as ones with special themes. Current themes include media and video, religion, memory and performance and visual arts.  As well as peer-reviewed papers, less formal reviews, commentaries and work in progress are welcome from international scholars and writers. Where possible, faster publication schedules for individual papers will be encouraged. The journal plans to  mix the need for archival services as well as scheduled issues. This journal has online and print versions.

Issue 3 2014

o    Issue Three Introduction

o    Comparative Literature in the Digital Age: Semiotic and Cultural Implications by Asun López-Varela

o    Transfer operations and intersemiotic translation in Alex Robinson’s London by Remo Gramigna

o    Rapunzel, Benjamin Button and Little Red Riding Hood: philosophical, rhetorical and textual semiotic excursions by George Rossolatos

o    How Vision Collaborates with Thought to bring Information into the Mind by Inesa Sahakyan

o    Of Criminals and Queers: Discourses of Class and the Outlaw in The White Tiger and Funny Boy by Adam A. Ferguson

o    The Emergence of ‘Atomodoxy’ in Cold-War Rhetoric and Science Fiction Narratives by James Eric Black

o    À partir de Greimas. Semiotic and Communication Patterns in Dance by Nicoleta Popa Blanariu

o    The View Finder: The Camera as Significal Pedagogue by Jude Chua Soo Men

o    Book Review: Bruno Latour. Rejoicing – or the Torments of Religious Speech, by Rowan MacKay


Call to Papers

Contributions are welcome for forthcoming general issues. In addition to ongoing general papers and issues, SSR will invites papers on continuing and special themes. General and special issues will be published online and in print as a quantum of quality papers becomes available. Papers or abstracts will be accepted at any time. Theme papers can be published in general issues before being assembled in special edition(s). 

The Semiosis of Transmedia
Guest Editors: Asun LópezVarela,  Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
David Marshall,  Head, School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University, Australia

Memory: Memory as a Representational Phenomenon
Guest Editor: Donna West

 Signs and Wonder – A Semiotics of Theology
Guest Editor: Demelza Martin, University of New South Wales,  Australia

A special supplement to the Southern Semiotic Review, called Sign|Artes, will soon be assembled. This will focus on creative arts and, in particular, visual and performance arts. Reviews, commentaries as well as papers are welcome now. The supplement will first be published by May 2014, and will be updated on a regular basis. Special editors will be Nicoleta Popa Blanariu, Veronica Devalle, Janys Hayes and Geoffrey Sykes, with assistance as required by other editorial advisors.

semiotic readerPrint publication

A print edition of Issues 1 and 2, titled “A Semiotic Reader”, is available through Amazon under “Southern Semiotic Reader”.

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