Southern Semiotic Review – new journal initiative

Southern Semiotic Review – new journal initiative

It is pleasing to announce that planning for a new journal has progressed, and contributions are invited.  To be titled “Southern Semiotic Review”, the journal will have online and print versions. The initial online version will offer a progressive and dynamic approach to publication. As well as peer-reviewed papers, comments, reviews, abstracts and work in progress, less formal contributions will be welcome from all international scholars and writers. Where possible, faster publication schedules for individual papers will be encouraged, and the journal will mix the need for archival services as well as scheduled special issues. Expressions of interest for both contributions and editorial assistance are now welcome.

Journal Detail

Undoubtedly, an opportunity exists to develop a more comprehensive approach to the study of semiotics in Australia—and perhaps in other countries more distant from mainstream traditions and practices in Europe and North America. On several occasions Susan Petrilli (who is also from Australia) and I have discussed the opportunities and needs for semiotic study in countries distant from Europe and North America.  This is something that has also been discussed with Veronica Devalle from Argentina. Susan and I have also discussed the possibility of commencing a journal based in Australia.  This appears to be the first journal of its kind in this country, and, as a general inter-disciplinary publication, perhaps in the Southern hemisphere.

This initiative will, on occasion, address themes specific to the region of its publication. These could include post colonial geo-politics. It should be remembered that Claude LéviStrauss undertook research into indigenous peoples on the three continents of the Southern hemisphere: Australia, South America and Africa. Other special issues and themes will be possible. The first issue will include papers on the theme of gestures from Russia, Bangladesh, the US, and Turkey. However the first issue will not be limited in theme. Topics could include but not be limited to popular culture, philosophy and history of ideas, education and social media.  An invitation for papers on aesthetics and religion is seen as essential in any comprehensive account of sign systems – even if these are topics sometimes omitted in approaches to semiotics.  Reviews and essays on art events and media production may be submitted.


The journal will be edited by Geoffrey Sykes, with assistance from Paul Ryder (University of Western Sydney), and a good team of established Australian and international scholars and helpers already available. Expressions of interest from individuals interested in joining the editorial team are invited: this would require only occasional reviews and other assistance.


The journal will maintain an inclusive and comprehensive brief, and contributions from all international scholars and writers of varied subject matters and approaches within a consensual, eclectic understanding of semiotics are invited. It is felt that wide subject matter and international contributions will assist—and indeed be necessary to develop—study in a specific region or country.. The journal seeks to maintain an ongoing and dynamic conversation, and comments on featured and selected papers will be encouraged. All submissions will be subject to editorial moderation, and blind refereeing will be selectively provided, especially on request and for print publication.

While costs will need to be considered at some stage, initially the journal will be open source in nature. At present, contributions may be made on that basis. Contributions of completed papers, comments and correspondence, abstracts, works in progress, or reviews can be sent or All inquiries will be followed up, and your contact will allow us to inform anyone interested of forthcoming issues and updates, including the first issue. The journal URL will be and it is planned for it to be public in May.

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