Seminar: “Semiotics and City Poetics: Jakobson’s Theory and Praxis”, by Mary Coghill (13th January 2023, 16-18.00 (GMT) on Zoom)
The semiotics of urban poetics and Formalist praxis – Jakobson’s contribution to urban poetics. Analysis of the metonym is neglected in poetry. In city poetry, shifters and deictics are particular tools which provide for a city narrator and explore the city’s nature and effects – the city and the human. This is a presentation with discussion.
This will be a zoom seminar. Please contact: for zoom meeting information and
Dr Mary Coghill is the author of this forthcoming book: due date 5th December 2022:

Roman Jakobson stands alone in his semiotic theory of poetic analysis which combines semiotics, linguistics and structuralist poetics. This groundbreaking book proposes methods for developing Jakobson’s theories of communication and poetic function. It provides an extensive range of examples of the kinds of Formalist praxis that have been neglected in recent years, developing them for the analysis of all poetry but, especially, the poetry of our urban future. Throughout the book the parameters of a city poetic genre are proposed and established; the book also develops the theory of the function of shifters and deixis with special reference to women as narrators. It also instantiates an
experimental poetic praxis based on the work of one of Jakobson’s great influences, Charles Sanders Peirce. Steadfastly adhering to the text in itself, this volume reveals the often surprising, hitherto unconsidered structural and semiotic patterns within poems as a whole.
Series editors
Paul Cobley, previously Professor Semiotics and Communications, now Deputy Dean Research and Knowledge Exchange, Middlesex University London.
Kalevi Kull, University Professor of Biosemiotics at the University of Tartu.
Author information
Mary Coghill, Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Humanities, Russian Department, Exeter University UK.
Please contact:
De Gruyter: – and for information on access to review copies of the book Contact Review Copies | De Gruyter
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