Online Seminar: “Space Semiotics. Design, architecture, urbanism, landscaping” (May 8th, 2023)

NOTE: There will be two conferences, each consisting of one hour followed by half an hour of discussion between all participants. In this first meeting, the organizers will present their own points of view on these subjects to initiate the presentation and discussions.
SEMIOTICS and urban landscape
How does landscape, in new media arts, (re)connect the real and living place(s)? How can it contribute to the (re)creation of commonality? Red Lines: a case study.
Helena Pires (Portugal)
Landscape can be understood as an experience that (re)connects the individual subjects to the outside world. At the beggining of the twentieth century, the global industrialisation and the mechanisation of daily life, especially in urban metropolis, layed on a feeling of deep fragmentation. As such, the philosophical idea of landscape, defined as a category, a mental operation and sensitive experience (Stimmung) of (re)connection to nature, was born (Simmel, 1913/2011). This conference is based on the aesthetic sense of landscape, namely according to Cauquelin (1989/2000), intending to discuss the way in which the new media arts resignify its inherent concept and experience. In particular, we will debate Evan Roth’s Landscape series, called Red Lines, a peer-to-peer network performance that took place from September 10, 2018 to September 10, 2020. How do landscape and netscape relate each other? How is meaning constituted by sociosemiotic practices of participating and interacting in Red Lines project? Can an artistic work be understood as a way to recreate “the processes and structures through which meaning is constituted” (Hodge and Kress, 1988/2007)? As Red Lines invited the participants to incorporate (land)netscapes in their homes and workplaces, this proposal intends to reflect on the new ways of using existing semiotic resources (van Leeuwen, 2005). In addition, we will explore the potential of new media arts as a practice of commonality – a community that is constituted in a process (Stavrides, 2016/2021).
To visuality… “and beyond”: graphics and images as semiotic tools for research
José Luis Caivano (Argentina)
Graphics and images are tools that are not only useful to display research information obtained by other means, but also to investigate and obtain data from the visual representations themselves. There are elaborate visual devices that allow presenting research and complex information in a complete and simultaneous way. We must think about how to generate knowledge from images, build research methods by means of images, argue with images, and use images as empirical evidence (without falling into the temptation of believing that everything we see –in a photograph, for example– is real and objective).
We can answer your questions about our seminar on May 15th at 16:00 (Paris time). Send us your questions by April 14th to the following email address:
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