New Master’s Degree Programme in Semiotics in Greece, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
New Master’s Degree Programme in Semiotics in Greece, Aristotle University of
We are pleased to announce that the Schools of French Language and Literature, Italian Language and Literature, Journalism and Mass Media and Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will be organising from the upcoming academic year 2018-2019 a Joint Master Programme in Semiotics, Culture and Communication in collaboration with AUTH SemioLab (, founded in 2016 in the Faculty of Philosophy of Aristotle University and the Hellenic Semiotic Society ( founded in 1978 at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
The Master Programme will be in Greek and its goal is to diffuse the study of Semiotics in Greece and Cyprus, thus helping scholars use semiotics in the study of all aspects of culture. It consists of three semesters and the majority of courses are optional
( thus enabling students to explore cultural phenomena based on their own interests.
The Director of the Program
Evangelos Kourdis
Associate Professor of Translation Semiotics
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