New book: Semiotranslating Peirce by Douglas Robinson

New book: Semiotranslating Peirce by Douglas Robinson

NEW BOOK IN THE SERIES TARTU SEMIOTICS LIBRARY: “Semiotranslating Peirce” by Douglas Robinson.

Vol 17 in the series Tartu Semiotics Library

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From the back cover: „Just as a long discussion with Doug Robinson is the shortest way toward conceptualizing innovative approaches in Translation Studies, so reading a new book of his is a mindexpanding experience. This definitely holds true for this book, in which he undertakes an impressive attempt to retheorize semiotranslation. One of its many intellectual merits is that he fundamentally questions our habitualized, sometimes idealized, assumptions. The author himself mentions that he loves the periphery. But some of his ideas are so central to the phenomenon of translation that they make us feel the need for a humble Semiotic Turn in Translation Studies.“

Luc van Doorslaer
Director of CETRA
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Douglas Robinson, who has been translating from Finnish to English since 1975, is author of numerous works on translation, including The Translator’s TurnTranslation and TabooWho Translates?Translation and the Problem of SwaySchleiermacher’s IcosesThe Dao of Translation, and Critical Translation Studies. He is currently Chair Professor of English at Hong Kong Baptist University.

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