New Book: Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the Everyday
New publication of the Hellenic Semiotic Society:
Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the Everyday
Editors: Lia Yoka, Gregory Paschalidis
The linchpin of the momentous paradigm shift that produced the new hermeneutics of everyday life was a focus on people as active agents in various cultural contexts, uses and practices, the merging of the conventional distinctions between the private and the public, the local and the global, the material and the symbolic, and the bridging of the agency/structure divide marking grand historical and cultural narratives. In their place, a wealth of new kinds of narratives were produced out what was traditionally taken for granted, condemned or discarded, unmarked, and overlooked as mundane, trivial and inconsequential.
Upon concluding The Structures of Everyday Life, whereby he introduced the everyday into the domain of modern historiography, Fernand Braudel admits that “to encompass all the many and varied constituents of material life would require close and systematic research, followed by much synthesis and analysis. All that is still lacking. What the text says calls for discussion, addition and extension”. Despite the wide range of contributions that have advanced the study of the everyday in the decades that followed, Braudel’s suggestion is still pertinent. The volume at hand is both a response to the need for more “close and systematic research”, for more “synthesis and analysis”, and a call for more “discussion, addition and extension”.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4438-7192-1
ISBN-10: 1-4438-7192-3
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Date of Publication: 01/03/2015
Pages / Size: 315 / A5
Price: £52.99
Lia Yoka is Assistant Professor of Art History at the School of Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has edited three volumes on museum studies, and has published on the history of modern art, cultural history and the critique of technoscience.
Gregory Paschalidis is Associate Professor of Cultural Studies at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is the author of The Poetics of Autobiography (1993), Introduction to Culture (2002), The Meanings of Photography (2012), and various edited volumes on semiotics, cultural studies and mass media. He generally publishes in the fields of cultural and media theory, visual culture, semiotics and cultural policy.
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