New book: New normality, new life forms: semiotics in the era of crises, Inna Merkoulova (ed.), Moscou, Russian Semiotic Almanac.

In Russian, French, English, Spanish
ISBN 978-5-6045843-2-3.
DOI 10.18254/S45843-2-30000619-4-1
New normality, new life forms: semiotics in the era of crises (Nouvelles normalités, nouvelles formes de vie: la sémiotique en temps de crise/ Nueva normalidad, nuevas formas de vida: semiótica en la era de las crisis/ Новая нормальность, новые формы жизни: семиотика в эпоху кризисов), Inna Merkoulova (ed.), Moscou, Russian Semiotic Almanac. Collection.
The book provides the reflections of modern semioticians, as well as those of representatives from related disciplines (linguistics, anthropology, philosophy), within the framework of the international online Forum «Responding to Major Challenges: Semiotics in Dialogue with the Humanities» and a round table «New normality, new life forms: semiotics and pandemic» (23.01.2021, Moscow) under the auspices of the International Association for Semiotic Studies and in collaboration with the Center for Franco-Russian Studies.
The Forum was organized by the International Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue of the State Academic University for the Humanities in Moscow. During the first and second waves of the pandemic, scientists from 12 countries (Russia, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, China, Lithuania, Iran, Argentina, Colombia, Azerbaijan, Australia) attempted to give a conceptual and philosophical interpretation of the ongoing sanitary crisis and its impact on our lives. This book summarizes the discussions.
The original texts have been translated into Russian for the first time in order to raise awareness of the achievements of global semiotic science in recent years among the Russian-speaking readership, students of GAUGN and the younger generation of Russian academics working in the field of humanities.
Denis Fomin-Nilov, Dominique Raynaud, Jacques Fontanille, Juan Alonso Aldama, Semir Badir, José María Paz Gago, Kestutis Nastopka, Jean-François Bordron, Lucrecia Escudero Chauvel, Jean-Marie Klinkenberg, Massimo Leone, Jacques Dürrenmatt, Hamid Reza Shairi, Tiziana Migliore, François Rastier, Neyla Graciela Pardo Abril, Susan Petrilli, Didier Tsala Effa, Gaston Cingolani, Franciscu Sedda, Bianca Suarez Puerta, Rahilya Geybullayeva, Frédéric Laugrand, Natalya Emelyanova, Inna Merkoulova, Marina Merkoulova
Round table (video):
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