New Book: Interdiscursive readings in cultural consumer research, George Rossolatos
Interdiscursive Readings in Cultural Consumer Research
George Rossolatos (MSc,MBA,PhD)
(c) 2018
The cultural consumption research landscape of the 21st century is marked by an increasing cross-disciplinary fermentation. At the same time, cultural theory and analysis have been marked by successive ‘inter-’ turns, most notably with regard to the Big Four: multimodality (or intermodality), interdiscursivity, transmediality (or intermediality), and intertextuality. This book offers an outline of interdiscursivity as an integrative platform for accommodating these notions. To this end, a call for a return to Foucault is issued via a critical engagement with the so-called practice-turn. This re-turn does not seek to reconstitute venerably Foucauldianism, but to theorize ‘inters-’ as vanishing points that challenge the integrity of discrete cultural orders in non-convergent manners. The propounded interdiscursivity approach is offered as a reading strategy that permeates the contemporary cultural consumption phenomena that are scrutinized in this book, against a pan-consumptivist framework. By drawing on qualitative and mixed methods research designs, facilitated by CAQDAS software, the empirical studies that are hosted here span a vivid array of topics that are directly relevant to both traditional and new media researchers, such as the consumption of ideologies in Web 2.0 social movements, the ability of micro-celebrities to act as cultural game-changers, the post-loyalty abjective consumption ethos. The theoretically novel approaches on offer are coupled with methodological innovations in areas such as user-generated content, artists’ branding, and experiential consumption.
Table of contents
Chapter | page |
1. Inter-everything: resuming the discursive turn in cultural consumer research | 2 |
Consuming experiences, practices and spectacles | |
2. Taking the ‘multimodal turn’ in interpreting consumption experiences | 48 |
3. Mapping cultural consumer engagement in user-generated advertising | 70 |
4. Consuming thanghood: dancing to brand image with Miley Cyrus | 111 |
Consuming oneself and others | |
5. Consuming the limit: Furious Pete and the re-evaluation of all values | 159 |
6. Consuming antinatalism in social media | 179 |
Consuming the Impossible | |
7. Consuming the Beauty Ideal: a critical argumentation approach to skin-care advertising | 213 |
8. Consumed by the Real: on abjective consumption and its freaky vicissitudes | 248 |
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