Membership Letter


Helsinki, Feb 1st, 2011

EnglishFrançaiseEspañol Deutsch

Dear semioticians,

As you may know, the IASS/AIS was established over 40 years ago in Paris as a result of the work some leading semioticians of the time: Benveniste, Sebeok, Lévi-Strauss, Jakobson, Greimas, Eco, Kristeva and others. From the beginning it was intended to be an umbrella organization for all national and professional societies in our disciplinary fields. Since then it has been running such major activities as world congresses of semiotics (now every 3 years), and the highly esteemed official journal of our association, Semiotica, published by de Gruyter Mouton in Berlin).

Despite the efficient and hugely successful running of these high profile enterprises, a consolidated list of potential IASS members has still not been achieved. In order to serve our members’ interests it is vital that every single semiotician reacts to this message and renew his/her membership whilst also encouraging younger semioticians and associated researchers to join the IASS.

As a global institution, the IASS is not in a position to obtain funds national sources. Therefore it is crucial that every individual semiotician should support the IASS/AIS if semiotics in all its forms is to flourish in the contemporary world and its traditions of scholarly enquiry are to continue. Many of you will already be members of scientific societies, some of which may be ‘semiotic’ to some extent; however, this does not preclude you from belonging to the IASS. Indeed, the IASS can only continue with your initiatives. Your participation, therefore, is truly welcomed.

I encourage everyone to renew/start their membership and gain all of the benefits of this international organization in return for the small membership fees indicated below.

(If response to this call for membership renewal is strong, De Gruyter Mouton has informed us of the possibility of offering additional benefits to registered IASS/AIS members, such as a special individual member subscription price to the Semiotica journal and a society member discount on all semiotics titles published at Mouton).

With all my best wishes to your precious work for semiotics,

I remain very sincerely yours,

Eero Tarasti

President of the IASS/AIS


You can make a transference to your bank account (1) or use Paypal and pay with credit or prepaid cards (2).

Membership fees are:

* in the side of these collective payments everyone who wants to attend for instance General assembly has to pay also the inidividual  payment, to my mind.

For Africa:

* in the side of these collective payments everyone who wants to attend for instance General assembly has to pay also the inidividual  payment, to my mind.

1. The payments can be effectuated to the IASS/AIS bank account as follows:

Please copy&paste/print out the membership form and send the filled out form together with your payment (transfer or deposit slip) to the Treasurer:

i) Membership Form

Type of membership: ______________________________

Name of the Group or Institute (if that is the case): ___________________________________

Address of the Group or Institute (if that is the case): __________________________________


Zipcode: ________________ City: _______________________ Country: ___________________

Last Name: _______________________________________
First Name: _______________________________________
Address (home)*: ____________________________________________________________________

Zipcode: ________________ City: _______________________ Country: ___________________
Address (office)*: ____________________________________________________________________

Zipcode: ________________ City: _______________________ Country: ___________________
phone office: +(country) (area) ______________________
phone home: +(country) (area) ______________________
e-mail(s): ___________________________________________
Occupation: ________________________________________

Date: month / day / year
Signature: __________________________

ii) Bank Information:

Name of the bank:


Via Putignani, 98
70122 Bari BA 

Coordinates for the IASS-AIS bank account:

On the name of Susan Petrilli/IASS



COSTS: your  (this means that expenses for eventual operations, such as paying enrolment fees, falls upon the subscriber).

IBAN: IT  21 M   02008  04000   000010437871

TRANSLATION     IT = Codice paese (country code)
                21 = Check Digit
                M = CIN
        02008 = BANCA (ABI)
             04000 = SPOT. (CAB) 
               000010437871 = N. Conto (Account number)

iii) Treasurer’s Address:

Susan Petrilli (Treasurer of the IASS)

Dip. di Pratiche Linguistiche e Analisi di Testi

Direzione e Sezione Filosofia e Scienze del Linguaggio

Università di Bari

Via Garruba, 6

I–70100 Bari, Italy

phone/fax +390-80-5717460


2. You can also pay using the so-called PayPal:

i) You can follow the links and pay with credit and prepaid cards.

Individual Membership (35 euros):

Group Membership (50 euros):

Institutes Membership (90 euros):

ii) To get the discount for Africa:

Please, send an email to requesting a payment with the membership form (see below) filled up. You will receive on your email an invoice. Click on the link in the email and make the payment on PayPal website.


Type of membership: ______________________________

Name of the Group or Institute (if that is the case): ___________________________________

Address of the Group or Institute (if that is the case): __________________________________


Zipcode: ________________ City: _______________________ Country: ___________________

Last Name: _______________________________________
First Name: _______________________________________
Address (home)*: ____________________________________________________________________

Zipcode: ________________ City: _______________________ Country: ___________________
Address (office)*: ____________________________________________________________________

Zipcode: ________________ City: _______________________ Country: ___________________
phone office: +(country) (area) ______________________
phone home: +(country) (area) ______________________
e-mail(s): ___________________________________________
Occupation: ________________________________________

Date: month / day / year
Signature: __________________________

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