Journal: Sign Systems Studies 43(2-3)
Sign Systems Studies 43(2-3), 2015
We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies.
An international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and living nature, the journal Sign Systems Studies was established in 1964 by Juri Lotman (initially as Труды по знаковым системам – Σημειωτικη), and is thus the oldest international semiotic periodical. Originally (until 1992) a Russian-language series, it is now published in English, and has become a central institution in the semiotics of culture.
Starting from 1998, Sign Systems Studies is published as an international peer-reviewed journal on the semiotics of culture and nature. Issued regularly, one volume per year, it is indexed in major scientific databases. Since 2009, each volume includes four issues.
* Dan Assaf, Yochai Cohen, Marcel Danesi, Yair Neuman: Opposition theory and computational semiotics.
* Zhanna Vavilova: Digital monsters – Representations of humans on the Internet.
* Torkild Thellefsen, Bent Sørensen: What brand associations are.
* Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik: The polyglot self in the semiotic spheres of language and culture.
* Jacques Coursil: Hidden principles of improvisation.
* Vladimir Feshchenko: Gustav Shpet’s deep semiotics – A science of understanding signs.
* Jui-Pi Chien: Between emotion, imagination and cognition: Play as a hybrid neuro-evolutionary concept in bridging Saussure, Hegel and Alexander von Humboldt.
* Taras Boyko: Describing the past: Tartu-Moscow School ideas on history, historiography, and the historian’s craft.
* Kalevi Kull, Olga Bogdanova, Remo Gramigna, Ott Heinapuu, Eva Lepik, Kati Lindström, Riin Magnus, Rauno Thomas Moss, Maarja Ojamaa, Tanel Pern, Priit Põhjala, Katre Pärn, Kristi Raudmäe, Tiit Remm, Silvi Salupere, Ene-Reet Soovik, Renata Sõukand, Morten Tønnessen, Katre Väli: A hundred introductions to semiotics, for a million students: Survey of semiotics textbooks and primers in the world.
Edna Andrews: The importance of Lotmanian semiotics to sign theory and the cognitive neurosciences.
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