Journal: New Issue of Actes Sémiotiques 132 (01/2025)

Dear friends, dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce the publication of issue 132 (01/2025) of Actes Sémiotiques (

This issue contains a monographic dossier entitled Du sens à l’action. Une rencontre entre sémiotique et pragmatique autour du concept de “force”, edited by Sophie ANQUETIL and Nicolas COUÉGNAS, several texts and a mini-dossier, Énonciation et réalité. Sur la sémiotique des instances énonçantes, in homage to Jean-Claude Coquet, edited by Denis BERTRAND and Ivan DARRAULT, in the “Recherches et analyses sémiotiques” section, and a series of reading notes on recently published works in semiotics.

We hope you enjoy reading them,  

Yours sincerely


Editor of Actes Sémiotiques