IASS Election: Kristian Bankov Secretary General Candidature

Candidate for Secretary General

Kristian Bankov


Kristian Bankov (born 1970) is full professor in Semiotics at New Bulgarian University and director of the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies. He is the leader of the organizing team of the congress. His interests in semiotics started during the early nineties when he was studying in Bologna, following the courses of Prof. Ugo Volli and Prof. Umberto Eco. He graduated in 1995 and since then he is teaching semiotic courses at New Bulgarian University. In 2000 he defended a PhD in Helsinki with Prof. Eero Tarasti. In 2006 he got a position as associated professor in Semiotics and in 2011 as a full professor.

His major interests initially were in the philosophy of language, the philosophy of Bergson and the existential semiotics. Then he oriented his research interests towards sociosemiotics and the identity. After 2005 Kristian Bankov studied the consumer culture and in the last 3-4 years his major interests are towards new media and digital culture.

Kristian Bankov has written 4 books and numerous articles in Bulgarian, English and Italian, he is carrying on a huge international activity; since 2006 he is the person in charge for the organization of the international Early-Fall School of Semiotics (EFSS); since 2007 he is representative for the Balkans in the IASS/AIS Executive Committee.

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