Forthcoming Book Series by Brill Publishers: Semiotics, Signs of the Times
Series Editor: Dinda L. Gorlée, Wittgenstein Archives, University of Bergen, Norway
Semiotics: Signs of the Times is Brill’s new series devoted to the study of semiotics across disciplines. This book series starts from the general idea of semiotic signs, divided into icons, indexes, and symbols. Semiotics gives meaning to signs, sign functions, and sign processes. It is also concerned with sign-users (senders and receivers) and how signs are transmitted from one organism to another. To give meaning happens in everyday experience as well as experimentation. Semiotics seeks to discover how the signs of language, gestures, visual images, music, dance, theater, as well as medical and psychological symptoms, architecture, and political theory embark with a theory of signs to give belief, values, and techniques which serve for theoretical foundations and interdisciplinary method in sciences and humanities.

Semiotics: Signs of the Times invites contributions on the newest trend of cultural research in linguistics, literature, fine arts, philosophy, biology, anthropology, folklore, technology, and other fields. The series is open to new synthesis of techniques of research, experiences, memories, and myth with new meanings. Proposals for single-authored monographs and edited volumes are equally welcome.
All submissions are subject to a double anonymous peer-review process prior to publication. Authors are equally invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the publisher at BRILL, Christa Stevens.
Authors will find general proposal guidelines at the Brill Author Gateway. BRILL strongly recommends the use of the MLA Handbook of Style or the Chicago Manual of Style for this series.
ISSN: 2773-1758
Editorial Board
- Fernando Andacht, University of the Republic, Uruguay
- Myrdene Anderson, Purdue University, USA
- Kristian Bankov, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria
- Kalevi Kull, University of Tartu, Estonia
- Alexandros Lagopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Susan Petrilli, University of Bari, Italy
- Horst Ruthrof, University of Murdoch, Western Australia
- Farouk Y. Seif, Antioch University, USA
- Hongbing Yu, Ryerson University, Canada
- Vilmos Voigt, University of Budapest, Hungary
Biographical Note
Dinda L. Gorlée ( a semiotician of Peirce, Jakobson, and Wittgenstein and is since 1979 a member of the International Association for Semiotics Studies (IASS). As linguist, Gorlée is a multilingual translation theoretician with research interests in philosophical, legal, and interarts studies of translation. She invented Peirce’s semiotranslation as a new theory. Her most recent academic function was Visiting Professor at the University of Helsinki, Finland, now she is Research Fellow at Wittgenstein Archives, University of Bergen, Norway. Gorlée was first President of the Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies (NASS) and is now member of the Collegium of the International Association of Semiotics (IASS). Gorlée is widely published internationally. Her recent books include: Wittgenstein in Translation: Exploring Semiotic Signatures (2012), From Translation to Transduction : The Glassy Essence of Intersemiosis (2015), and Wittgenstein’s Secret Diaries: Semiotic Writing in Cryptography (2020). Recent articles are “ Intersemioticity and intertextuality: Picaresque and romance in opera” (2016), “From Peirce’s pragmatic maxim to Wittgenstein’s language-games” (2017), “How to wrestle with the translation of Wittgenstein’s writings” (2019), “Paraphrase or parasite? The semiotic stories of translation” (2020), and “Lingüiculture: Thomas A. Sebeok as a revolutionary ethnographer” (2021). Dinda L. Gorlée received Semiotica’s Mouton d’Or Award for “Wittgenstein’s persuasive rhetoric” (2016).
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