Final Program: 26th International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies – Imatra
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26th International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies
June 5–8, 2011, Imatra, Valtionhotelli
Director: Eero Tarasti, President of the ISI and the IASS/AIS
- 1) Interrelationships of Arts: Narrativity and Representation in Music, Literature, Cinema, Theater and Opera
- 2) Semiotics of Body
3) How One Becomes a Semiotician–Teaching and Studying Semiotics All Over the World.
A Rountable. Scholars from the EU project SEMKNOW (Paneuropean doctoral program in semiotics )
4) Between Authenticity and Inauthenticity: Nature and Culture in Tropics and Arctics; Scholars from the University of Lapland, Africa, India, and South America
5) 7th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation (SemTra2011)
Social Programme
Sunday, June 5
1) Interrelationships of Arts: Narrativity and Representation in Music, Imatra–Hall
Literature, Cinema, Theater and Opera
The 30th Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland
2) Semiotics of Body Koski–Halll
3) How One Becomes a Semiotician. Partner Meeting on Kilta–Hall
Europen Mind : Doctoral Studies in Semiotics in Value Based Society project, Closed Session
Opening of the International Summer School for Cultural Centre
Semiotic and Structural Studies Karelia Hall
Welcoming Reception after the Opening Town Hall
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30
Monday, June 6
1) Interrelationships of Arts: Narrativity and Representation in Music, Imatra–Halll
Literature, Cinema,Theater and Opera
The 30th Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland
2) Semiotics of Body Koski–Hall
3) How One Becomes a Semiotician Kilta–Hall
Castle hotel
The 30th Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland Keisari–Hall
at 13.00
Plenary Lecture: Byron Almén (Austin): ‘The Teleology of the Imatra–Hall
Sign User’: Modeling Some Binary Constraints on
Narrative Interpretation
Tuesday, June 7
2) Semiotics of Body Kilta–Hall
Castle Hotel
3) How One Becomes a Semiotician. Partner Meeting on Keisari–Hall
European Mind : Doctoral Studies in Semiotics Castle Hotel
in Value Based Society project, Closed session
4) Between Authenticity and Inauthenticity: Nature and Imatra–Hall
Culture in Tropics and Arctics; Scholars from the University of Lapland,
Africa, India, and South America
5) 7th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation Koski–Hall
Plenary Lecture: Anne Henault (Paris): The Principle of Non-genericity Imatra–Hall
in Visual Semiotics, from Renaissance Paintings
(especially by Raphaël) to some Contemporary Photographs.
Piano Recital: Sounding Icons by Eila Tarasti Cultural Centre Karelia Hall
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 19.00
Wednesday, June 8
4) Between Authenticity and Inauthenticity: Nature and Imatra–Hall
Culture in Tropics and Arctics; Scholars from the University of Lapland,
Africa, India, and South America
5) 7th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation Koski–Hall
Plenary Lecture: Eero Tarasti (Helsinki): Existential Semiotic Imatra– Hall
Analysis of Music
1) Interrelationships of Arts: Narrativity and Representation in Music, Literature, Cinema, Theater and Opera; Directors: Eero Tarasti (Helsinki), Altti Kuusamo (Turku),
Pirjo Kukkonen (Helsinki). The 30th Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland (open also for international scholars)
Sunday, June 5
Chair: Eero Tarasti
10.00–11.00 Registration and coffee
11.00–11.15 Eero Tarasti Opening Words
11.15–12.00 Tristian Evans (Bangor, Gwynedd): Temporality and Narrative in Post-minimal Film Music and Opera
12.00–12.30 Judith Stallings-Ward (Northfield): “Fable of X, Y, Z: Gerardo Diego’s Creation Myth of Music”
12.30–13.00 Natalia Sopata: Between a Romantic Lied and a Modern Song – Drei Lieder nach Trakl by Paweł Szymański
13.00–14.30 Lunch
Chair: Altti Kuusamo
14.30–15.15 Arno Munster (Amiens): Vers une esthétique du pré-apparaître utopique? (A propos de la philosophie de la musique d’Ernst Bloch)
15.15–15.45 Andrea Rafajová (Praque): Re-denotation Chain in Musical Communication
15.45–16.00 Discussion
16.00–16.30 Coffee
18.00 Opening of the International Summer School: Cultural Centre, Karelia Hall
Welcoming Reception in the Town Hall after the Opening
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30
Monday, June 6
Chair: Pirjo Kukkonen
09.30–10.30 Altti Kuusamo (Turku): On ‘Symbolic Omnitemporality’. Temporal Integration and Simultaneity in Pictorial Narratives.
10-30–11.00 Coffee
Chair: Altti Kuusamo
11.00–11.30 Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk (Opole): Le soleil. Concert pour percussion
et l’orchestre symphonique d’apres Monet, Seurat et Van Gogh by Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil. Representation or Re-presentation?
11.30–12.00 Deniz Özden( Istanbul): The Representation of Musıc in Vısual Arts
12.00–12.30 Eliza Krupińska (Krakow): Forme et Sens. Les idées de Hjelmslev en musique (extrait)
12.30–13.00 Grisell Macdonel (Helsinki): The Existence of the Performer as Body Gestures
13.00–14.30 Lunch
16.00–16.30 Coffee
16.30–17.30 Plenary lecture: Byron Almén (Austin): ‘The Teleology of the Sign User’: Modeling Some Binary Constraints on Narrative Interpretation
18.30 Imatra Rapids Surge
19.30 Dinner
2) Semiotics of Body
Sunday, June 5
Chair: José Enrique Finol Vice president of the IASS/AIS
10.00–11.00 Registration and coffee
11.00–11.30 Opening of the Seminar: General Introduction by José Enrique Finol
11.30–12.00 José Enrique Finol (Maracaibo): The Corposphere; a Cartography of the Body
12.00–12.30 Alfredo Tenoch Cid Jurado (Mexico City): Body on Narrative: Figurativisation and Ethical Assessment in the Effects of the Narcotrafico” in Television”.
12.30–13.00 Sandra Grötsch (Oulu): Liminal Existence in a Magic World
13.00–14.30 Lunch
14.30–15.00 Alexei Shmelev (Moscow): Non-Verbal Behavior and Ist Reflection in Language:the Case of Russian
15.00–15.30 Maija Metsämäki (Kuopio): Paralinguistic Features in Multinational Students‘ L2 Debating
15.30–16.00 Solomon Marcus (Bucharest): Typology of The Human Body’s Identities
16.00–16.30 Coffee
18.00 Opening of the International Summer School:
Cultural Centre, Karelia Hall
Welcoming Reception in the Town Hall after the Opening
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30
Monday, June 6
Chair: Maija Metsämäki
09.30–10.00 Pascal Lardellier (Dijon): Le “double corps” du Président: une analyse sémio-anthropologique des «deux corps sarkozien»
10.00–10.30 Celia Rubina (Lima): Corps, érotisme et mythe das la peinture:le cas de Tilsa Tsuchiya
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–11.30 Rachel Seh Andem (Yaounde): Le batik comme signe de communication de la culture / culture de la communication en Afrique
11.30–12.00 Alexander Mosquera (Maracaibo): Media Manipulation, Perfect Beauty and Destruction of the Self
12.00–12.30 Gerard Imbert (Madrid): Le corps, entre la carence et l’excès dans le cinéma actuel (1990–2010)
12.30–13.00 Discussion
13.00–14.30 Lunch
16.00–16.30 Coffee
16.30–17.30 Plenary Lecture: Byron Almén (Austin): ‘The Teleology of the Sign User’: Modeling Some Binary Constraints on Narrative Interpretation
18.30 Imatra Rapids Surge
19.30 Dinner
Tuesday, June 7
Chair: Pascal Lardellier
09.30–10.00 Jean-Claude Mbarga (Yaoundé): Epistémologie de la semiotique vestimentaire: le cas du vêtement réel
10.00–10.30 Sungdo Kim (Seoul): Phenomologie et Epistemologie de paradigm haptique
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–11.30 José Maria Paz Gago (General Secretary of the IASS-AIS, Coruña): Bodies of Fashion, Fashion of Bodies
11.30–12.00 Daina Teters (Riga): Man as an Incomplete Being: Peculiarities of Man’s Spatio-temporal Integration
12.00–12.30 María Juliana Vélez (Bucaramanga): Le corps séquestré dans la lettre de survie d’Ingrid Betancourt
12.30–13.00 Discussion
13.00–14.30 Lunch
16.00–16.30 Coffee
16.30–16.45 Pertti Lintunen, Mayor of Imatra: Greetings of the City to ISI Summer Congress
16.45–17.45 Plenary Lecture: Anne Henault (Paris): The Principle of Non-genericity in Visual Semiotics, from Renaissance Paintings (especially by Raphaël) to some Contemporary Photographs.
17.45 Dinner
19.30 Piano Recital: Sounding Icons by Eila Tarasti
Imatra Cultural Centre
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 19.00
- 3) How One Becomes a Semiotician–Teaching and Studying Semiotics All Over the World. A Roundtable. Scholars from the EU project SEMKNOW (Paneuropean doctoral program in semiotics) and others (open for papers and reports); Chairs Eero Tarasti (University of Helsinki), Irina Gerashchenko (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi), Kristian Bankov ( New Bulgarian University, Sofia), Riitta Brusila (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi) Massimo Leone (University of Torino), Tiit Remm (University of Tartu, Estonia), Suvi Ronkainen (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi)
Monday, June 6
Chair: Kristian Bankov
9.30–10.00 Opening of the Roundtable
10.00-10.30 Kristian Bankov (Euoropean Mind Project, Sofia, Bulgaria): From information Society to Eexperience Economy – New Professional Horizons for Semioticians
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–11.30 Massimo Leone (European Mind Project, Torino): How One Does Not Become a Semiotician
11.30–12.00 Tiit Remm (European Mind Project,Tartu):
12.00–12.30 Eero Tarasti (European Mind Project, Helsinki):
12.30–13.00 Chris Arning (London): How One Becomes a Commercial Semiotician
13.00–14.30 Lunch
14.30–15.30 Roundtable discussion
15.30–16.00 Coffee
16.30–17.30 Plenary Lecture: Byron Almén (Amiens): ‘The Teleology of the Sign User’: Modeling Some Binary Constraints on Narrative Interpretation
18.30 Imatra Rapids Surge
19.30 Dinner
4) Between Authenticity and Inauthenticity: Nature and Culture in Tropics and Arctics;
Scholars from the University of Lapland, Africa, India, and South America
Chair: Eero Tarasti
Sunday, June 5
18.00 Opening of the International Summer School:
Cultural Centre, Karelia Hall
Welcoming Reception in the Town Hall after the Opening
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30
Tuesday, June 7
Chair: Eero Tarasti
09.30–10.30 Eero Tarasti: Opening of the Seminar
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–11.45 Hamid Reza Shairi (Téhéran): L’Erreur comme l’autre face de
11.45–12.15 Massimo Leone (Torino): Authenticity and Belonging
12.15–13.00 Seema Khanwalkar (Ahmedabad): Contradictions and
Complimentarity: Exploring Nature and Culture in India
13.00–14.30 Lunch
Chair: Seema Khanwalkar
14.30–15.15 Abhijit Dutta (Delhi): Kashmiriyat Today: Examining Mutation in Cultural Authenticity
15.15–16.00 Majid Behboudi (Iran): Visual Languages of Urban Communities in Toronto
16.00–16.30 Coffee
16.30–16.45 Pertti Lintunen, Mayor of Imatra: Greetings of the City to ISI Summer Congress
16.45–17.45 Plenary Lecture: Anne Henault (Paris): The Principle of Non-genericity in Visual Semiotics, from Renaissance Paintings (especially by Raphaël) to some Contemporary Photographs.
17.45 Dinner
19.30 Piano Recital: Sounding Icons by Eila Tarasti
Imatra Cultural Centre
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 19.00
Wednesday, June 8
Chair: Eero Tarasti
09.30–10.30 Maarja Löhmus, Helle Tiikmaa , Andres Kõnno ,
Ragne Kõuts , Agnes Aljas (Tartu): THE MENTAL MAPS:
Constructions of Internal and External Spaces in Russian,
Estonian and Finnish dailies in XX century.
10.30–11.00 Coffee
Chair: Maarja Löhmus
11.00–11.45 Celia Rubina (Perú): Récits étiologiques dans les traditions orales
des Andes et de l’Amazonie péruviennes: une ronde de motifs
dans le passage de la nature à la culture.
11.45–12.30 Solomon Marcus (Romania): Semiotics, under the Challenge
of Globalization
12.30–13.00 Lena Salmi (Helsinki): When Sports Speak Sami Language
13.00–14.30 Lunch
14.30–15.00 Otto Lehto (Helsinki): Liberty in Music: Material, Spiritual and
Political Dimensions Discussion
15.00–16.00 Roundtable Discussion
16.00–16.30 Coffee
16.30–17.30 Plenary Lecture: Eero Tarasti (Helsinki): Existential Semiotic
Analysis of Music
19.00 Dinner
5) 7th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation (SemTra2011)
Directors: Pirjo Kukkonen and Ritva Hartama-Heinonen, June 7–8
Sunday, June 5
18.00 Opening of the International Summer School
Imatra Cultural Centre, Karelia Hall
Welcoming Reception in the Town Hall after the Opening
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30
Tuesday, June 7
Chair: Irma Sorvali
09.30–10.30 Opening: Pirjo Kukkonen (Helsinki): The Translating Subject as homo significans and homo interpres
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–12.00 Ritva Hartama-Heinonen (Helsinki): Herangehen: A Translatorial Mission and Strategy
12.00–13.00 René Lemieux (Montréal): Entre la différance et la relève, la critique du structuralisme chez Jacques Derrida et sa performativité traductive – Between différance and relève: The Criticism of Structuralism in Jacques Derrida and in Its Translative Performativity
13.00–14.30 Lunch
Chair: Pirjo Kukkonen
14.30–15.30 Elin Sütiste (Tartu): The Role of Translation in Cultural Memory
15.30–16.00 Irma Sorvali (Helsinki): A Translator Profile – a Starting Point for a
16.00–16.30 Coffee
16.30–16.45 Pertti Lintunen, Mayor of Imatra: Greetings of the City to ISI Summer Congress
16.45–17.45 Plenary Lecture: Anne Henault (Paris): The Principle of Non-genericity in Visual Semiotics, from Renaissance Paintings (especially by Raphaël) to some Contemporary Photographs.
17.30 Dinner
19.30 Piano Recital: Sounding Icons by Eila Tarasti
Cultural Centre, Karelia Hall
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 19.00
Wednesday, June 8
Chair: Ritva Hartama-Heinonen
09.30–10.30 Shuo-yu Charlotte Wu (Taiwan): From Languaging to Semiosphere: Translation as a Bridging Mechanism
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–11.30 Lena Segler-Heikkilä (Ylivieska): Translation of Signs in the International Classroom
11.30–12.00 Irma Sorvali (Helsinki): Translatable and Untranslatable Signs in Everyday Materials
12.00–12.30 Lisa Nylander (Tampere): Im Ural fiel auf’s Eis
12.30–13.00 Research Project Meeting: Polysystemicity and the Nordic Dimension
13.00–14.30 Lunch
14.30–16.00 Roundtable : Translation in Time and Space (Pirjo Kukkonen (chair), Irma Sorvali and Ritva Hartama-Heinonen)
16.00–16.30 Coffee
16.30–17.30 Plenary Lecture: Eero Tarasti (Helsinki): Existential Semiotic
Analysis of Music
19.00 Dinner
Sunday, June 5
18.00 Opening of the International Summer School
Imatra, Cultural Centre, Karelia Hall
Welcoming Reception in the Town Hall after the Opening
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30
Monday, June 6
18.30 Imatra Rapids Surge
Tuesday, June 7
16.30–16.45 Pertti Lintunen, Mayor of Imatra: Greetings of the City to ISI Summer Congress
16.45–17.30 Plenary Lecture: Anne Henault (Paris): The Principle of Non-genericity in Visual Semiotics, from Renaissance Paintings (especially by Raphaël) to some Contemporary Photographs.
19.30 Piano Recital: Sounding Icons by Eila Tarasti
Imatra Cultural Centre, Karelia Hall
A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 19.00
Wednesday, June 8
16.30–17.30 Plenary Lecture: Eero Tarasti (Helsinki): Existential Semiotic
Analysis of Music
Art exhibition: Saga of Seven Bank Notes 2009-2011
by Lilli Kinnunen, Valtionhotelli
The photo series Saga of Seven Bank Notes sheds light through the most central subheadings of my lifelong story through the numbers and images in bank notes. The symbols drawn on note paper structure my memory traces which feed the intuitively proceeding reconstruction of meanings in a semiotic context. Bank notes as two-sided signs and experiential knowledge as a choice-enabling means of exchange spurred my graduation as Master of Fine Arts in 2010.
Translated by PhD Katariina Kyrölä
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