Extended Tartu Summer School of Semiotics – August 10-21, 2015
Extended Tartu Summer School of Semiotics: www.flfi.ut.ee/summer_school/2015/extended.html
We are happy to announce that in addition to the traditional academic gathering, extra week of lectures will take place in cooperation with this year’s Tartu Summer School of Semiotics! The additional week of lectures will include lectures, seminars and social program for students and professionals even more interested in the mechanisms of semiotic (un)predictability.
The Extended Tartu Summer School will take place August 10-21. In addition to previously announced international gathering with plenary lectures by Jordan Zlatev, Mihai Nadin, Stuart Kauffman and Ilya Utehin, the extended school will include additional week of lectures and seminars on semiotic (un)predictability from the perspectives of semiotics of culture as well as socio- and biosemiotics.
Extended Summer School is for students in BA/MA level, but everyone interested in the topic are welcome.
Participation will be credited with 3 ECTS.
Topics include:
– Semiotic modelling
– Semiotic systems: dialogism, border, auto-communication and identity
– Heterogeneity and multimodality of semiotic mediation
– Contextuality, decontextualisation and recontextualisation
– Memory and remembrance
– Creativity and innovation
– Continuity and explosion
– Predictability and unpredictability in semiotic processes
For further information: www.flfi.ut.ee/summer_school/2015/extended.html
(1) Online application form: moodle.ut.ee/ht_reg_form/index.php/form/view/1336;
(2) Motivation letter (up to 1 page) that demonstrates the applicant’s motivation to participate, explains how the participation in the summer programme is connected with applicant’s studies and interests; and how the applicant plans to use gained experience, and knowledge in the future;
(3) Copy of passport. All additional documents to the online application should be sent as separate PDF files with correct titles (name of the document and applicant) to the programme manager: margot.must@ut.ee
Registration deadline: June 15, 2015
For additional information and in case of any questions, please turn to:
Tartu Semiotics Summer School: www.flfi.ut.ee/summer_school/
Extended Semiotics Summer School: www.flfi.ut.ee/summer_school/2015/extended.html
Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu: www.flfi.ut.ee/en
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