CiSS Urbino Seminars’ Week (in presence and online) + Party (12-16 September, 2022)

Dear all, please, find attached the program of the CiSS Urbino 2022 Seminars’ Week.  Our seminars will take place both in presence and online, through the ZOOM platform, using the link: Meeting ID: 878 5198 3741Passcode: 728893 I also send to you the poster of the party that we organise at the Fortezza Albornoz, in collaboration with the Libreria…

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Semiotics: From Deely to Couto (September 10)

Take a look back… and rewind the present state of the art of virtual semiotics all the way until the Iberian atmosphere of late Scholasticism. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ Semiotics: From Deely to Couto September 10, 2022 / 3pm (UTC+1h) Lecturer: Mário Santiago de Carvalho Commentator: Hélène Leblanc Chair: Yulia Nikitenko Meeting…

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Semiofest Mexico 2022

This year for Semiofest is very special. After a long two year forced pause, we will all finally meet. This time in the city that has long and diverse story to tell. The city with one of the biggest quantity of museums all over the world, thousands of nooks with overlapping cultural layers, signs and…

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Call for Papers: Language and Semiotic Studies

Dear colleagues, I’m the Editor-in-Chief of Language and Semiotic Studies (LASS), which is a peer-reviewed academic journal (ISSN: 2751-7160) co-published by Soochow University and De Gruyter Mouton. We are calling for papers for the coming issues, and we cordially invite you to submit manuscripts. All authors who submit their articles by 2026 will have an…

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Peircean Robotics: Semiotics applied to the Emergence of Symbols (September 7)

Hang on… and you will rejoice as you are taught how semiotics is being applied to reflect on some of the most groundbreaking technologies out there. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ Peircean Robotics: Semiotics applied to the Emergence of Symbols September 7, 2022 / 10pm (JST), 2pm (UTC+1h) Lecturer: Takafumi Kato Commentator: Sachi…

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Parution de l’ouvrage de Roberto Flores: Évenements et récit. Vers une sémiotique aspectuelle

Chères et chers collègues, J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer la parution aux PULIM, dans la collection des Actes Sémiotiques (Semiotica Viva), de l’ouvrage de Roberto Flores : ÉVÉNEMENTS ET RÉCIT. VERS UNE SÉMIOTIQUE ASPECTUELLE. “Dans un récit, on nous dit que quelque chose se passe : quelque chose commence et arrive à sa fin.  Mais, dans…

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Nouvelle parution: E/C – Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici, n. 34

Chères et chers collègues, Francesco Mangiapane et moi avons le plaisir d’annoncer la parution du dernier numéro de E/C, la revue de l’Association italienne de sémiotique (AISS), que nous avons eu l’honneur de coordonner. La publication est intitulée Metodo e testualità. Costruzioni analitiche e modi di fare [Méthode et textualité. Constructions analytiques et manières de faire] et…

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Seminari di Semiotica di Urbino (12-16 Septembre, 2022)

Chers collègues, chers amis, nous avons le plaisir de vous envoyer les programmes définitifs des séminaires 2022 du Centre de sémiotique d’Urbino. On compte sur votre présence, contactez-nous si vous souhaitez participer, merci, bien cordialement, Gianfranco Marrone et Tiziana Migliore

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On the Eve of the 15th World Congress of IASS/AIS in Thessaloniki

Paul Cobley and Kristian Bankov Dear delegates of the 15th World Congress of the IASS, It is a matter of mere days until we will be meeting in Thessaloniki. After a period in international history during which many people have experienced separation and isolation, as well as the stress related to a life-threatening virus, the…

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Meanings we live in: Husserl’s theory of meaning and the surrounding world (August 16)

Take action… and express fully the significance of life and its vicinities in line with the founder of modern phenomenology. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ Meanings we live in: Husserl’s theory of meaning and the surrounding world August 16, 2022 / 6pm (IRDT), 2h30pm (UTC+1h) Lecturers: Hamid Malekzadeh Commentator: Mohammad Shafiei Chair: William…

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Philosophy as a Habit of Cenoscopic Inquiry (August 13)

Roll in… and become an active partner in the business of thinking about reality and understanding the bits and the whole of what is and what is not. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ Philosophy as a Habit of Cenoscopic Inquiry: or How to Ask After the General that Transpires Through the Particular August…

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