Editorship of Semiotica, the journal of the IASS

Marcel Danesi is stepping down from his role as editor-in-chief of the IASS journal Semiotica. Since 2004, when Marcel took over from interim editor-in-chief, Jean Umiker-Sebeok, the journal has grown and continued to lead in the field and in the international community of scholars. With the help of the publisher, de Gruyter, the journal has responded pro-actively to the changes in the digital environment of the last 15 years, enabling it to maintain its pre-eminent role in the academic publishing firmament.

The IASS would like to take this opportunity to thank Marcel for the sterling work that he has undertaken in this role on behalf of the global community. The Association wishes him all the best in his future academic endeavours.

De Gruyter and the Bureau of the IASS will soon circulate an invitation to members to send expressions of interest in replacing the outgoing editor-in-chief.

In the meantime, Stéphanie Walsh Matthews will be the interim editor-in-chief of the journal. Stéphanie has been serving as co-editor of Semiotica for French content and Special Issues since 2011. She has agreed to take on the role of Interim Editor-in-Chief until the position is officially filled. The IASS wishes to thank her for her willingness to take on this role with its heavy workload.

Ali Aird, who has been working as the Assistant Editor under Paolo Amirante since 2016, will now be replacing him in the role as Managing Editor for the journal.

As part of a general restructuring project, the Editorial Team is looking forward to working with an active editorial board.

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