“Under the Auspices” – Some Explanations
According to one of the first decisions of the newly elected Bureau of the IASS-AIS in Berkeley, June 1994, certain semiotic conferences, occuring between the world congresses, may be provided with the formula “under the auspices of the IASS-AIS”. Such an appellation signifies that the IASS-AIS is affiliated with the organizers, the contents, the scholars and participants, and that the conference’s executive body has received the support of the IASS-AIS. Only recognized congresses may apply to receive formal support. Information on the requirements for recognition are made available under IASS-AIS Rules of Procedure, and are herewith published [. . .]:
“First of all, there will be, until further notice, only two types of conferences in which the IASS-AIS can and will be involved, none of them, in particular, under the head of ‘cooperation’ or ‘collaboration’, but providing, nevertheless, for similar possibilities. These types are:
- the world congresses, whose official organizer is the IASS-AIS together with national or regional representatives appointed to organize these congresses on the practical level;
- specific congresses (or conferences, symposia and the like) which can be held under the auspices of the IASS-AIS when fulfilling the rules of procedure after application to and examination by the Bureau of the IASS-AIS.
The full formula (2017 version)
- Future conference planners seeking the support of the IASS-AIS should send their queries to:
Kristian Bankov (Secretary general), email: sg@iass-ais.org
Marita Soto (Vice Secretary General), email: m.soto@una.edu.ar
Conferences Under the Auspices of the IASS-AIS
The following conferences under the auspices have taken place:
“Kultur und Lebenswelt als Zeichenphänomene. Internationales Kolloquium zu Ehren des 70. Geburtstags von Ivan Bystrina und Ladislav Tondl” (Vienna, Austria, December 1994; proceedings appeared in the series “S-Addenda. Semiotic Studies”, Vienna 1998: Bernard & Withalm 1998);
“Semiotics of the Media” (Kassel, Germany, March 1995); the proceedings of this congress have appeared in the Approaches series (Nöth 1997)
“Discursividades: Entre lo visible y lo enunciable” (Córdoba, Argentina, September 1995);
“Perception et conscience de soi dans les arts et les sciences” (Porto, Portugal, September 1995; results to appear in a special issue of Cruzeiro Semiotico, Porto 1998);
“International Meeting in Memoriam Jurij M. Lotman (1922-1993)” (Granada, Spain, October 1995); the proceedings, edited by the organizer Manuel Cáceres, appeared in 1997;
“Caos & ordem: uma abordagem semiótica” (São Paulo, Brazil, August/September, 1996), the first volume of the proceedings appeared in summer 1999: Santaella & Machado 1999.
“Creation – Semiosis – Acceptance. Thomas Winner 80th Birthday Conference” (Prague, Czech Republic, May 1997)
“Semiotics and Culture” (Thessaloniki, Greece, May, 1997).
“2nd East-Asian International Semiotic Seminar” (Shanghai, China, October 1997), a selection of papers presented appeared in 1998.
“European Semiotic Heritage” (Dresden, Germany, February, 1999). The Proceedings are to appear in 2003.
“First Turkish Semiotics Congress ” (Ankara, Turkey, October 1999). Th Proceddings appeared as a special issue of S-EJSS, 15 (1), 2003, ed. by Jeff Bernard.
“Logica, dialogica, ideologica. I segni fra funzionalità ed eccedenza” (Bari, Italy, February, 2002). Published in part in Semiotica 148 (1/4), 2004, and in part as Logica, dialogica, ideologica. Milano: Mimesis 2003.
“Semióticas de la vida cotidiana. V Congreso Internacional de la Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica” (Buenos Aires, Argentina, August, 2002). Published on CD in 2004
“Signes du corps, corps du signe” (Lyon, France, September, 2002).
“Semiotics and the Global Meaning of East Asian Cultures. Third East Asian Semiotic Seminar” (Wuhan, China, October, 2002).
“The Relevance of Rossi-Landi’s Semiotics Today” (Bari, Italy, November, 2002). Published in Athanor, vol 2004
“Picture language – Visualization – Diagrammatrics” (Vienna, Austria, December 2002). Published in S-EJSS 15 (2-4), 2003.
“Macht der Zeichen, Zeichen der Macht” (Vienna, Austria, September 2003). Published as Macht der Zeichen, Zeichen der Macht. Inst. Vienna 2004.
“Semiotics and the Humanities” (Beijing, PR China, March 2004).
“Europe – Image & Notion in Cultural Change” (Vienna, Austria, December 2004).
“Barthes per Roland Barthes ” (Bari, Italy, February 2005).
“Global semiotics. Imatra International Summer School ” (Imatra, Finland, June 2005).
“2nd World Congress on Semiotics and Communication” (Monterrey, Mexico, October 2005).
„Metamorphoses of the Mind: Out of one’s Mind. Losing one’sMind, Lightmindedness, Mindlessness“
Riga/Orellen, Latvia, 21.09.-13.10. 2006
„Metamorphoses of the World: Traces, Shadows, Reflections, Echoes, and Metaphors“
Riga/Orellen, Latvia, 2.-5.10. 2008
„Metamorphoses of the Absolute“
Riga/Orellen, Latvia, 2010.7.-10.10.
„ Modeling of Time and Space“
Berkeley, California, USA/Imatra, Finland/Nanjing,China, 2012
„The Order in Destruction and the Chaos of Order. Freedom“
Riga/Orellen, Latvia, 25 – 28.09. 2014
1st IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop, “Theory-Practice Integration in Semiotics in the Ever-changing World”. Suiyuan Campus of Nanjing Normal University from June 29 to July 2, 2018.
2nd IASS-AIS–NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop
For reports on the first five events, see Bernard, Withalm & Réthoré 1996: 151-181.
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