CFP: Sources of Creativity. From Local to Universal

Sources of Creativity. From Local to Universal.

An international symposium around Eero Tarasti’s work in the eve of his 70th birthday. Event organized by the Academy of Cultural Heritages and the Semiotic Society of Finland, in Mikkeli, Finland, 8-10 August 2018.

The symposium will be arranged at the place of genius loci of Eero Tarasti’s life, his second home and summer town Mikkeli. It is open for contributions on the fields of his scientific and artistic output and dealing with his ideas, theories and activities in the scholarly and cultural context. The convention will include excursions to important places of his life from his first job at the Municipality and army year at old Russian garnison in the centre, to the summerhouse built by his grandfather Peter August Sahlsten in 1926, the site of writing of all his major works in various languages. Historic places in Mikkeli like the headquarters of Marshal Mannerheim in 1939­-1944, Concert Palace Mikaeli (site of the annual Gergiev summer festival), and others will be visited. The event will contain musical manifestations and a festival gourmet dinner at Tertti Manor.

Registration form for papers/abstracts/attendance including information on housing, enclosed (by 1st of July, 2018); please fill in the form and send it to us: MikkelisympREGISTRATION FORM

There is no participation fee; yet, we encourage anyone to contribute to this event in the form of a free donation to the bank account of the Academy of Cultural Heritages: F140 1544 3000 0285 84 (BIC: NDEAFIHH).  (PayPal is also available for those outside the European Union, please inquire at


The papers given at the symposium will be published as a special volume in the series Acta Semiotica Fennica. Languages: English, French, German, Italian.

Inquiries concerning the event at:

Organizing committee: Professors Pirjo Kukkonen, Pertti Ahonen, Kai Lassfolk (Helsinki University), Altti Kuusamo (Turku University), Anne Kauppala (Sibelius Academy), Juha Ojala (Oulu University), Rector Ilmo Pokkinen (Mikkeli); secretaries Paul Forsell and Aleksi Haukka.

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