CFP: Intersemiotic translation

Intersemiotic translation

25-27 September 2013

Institute of English Studies, University of Lodz

The aim of the conference is to present and discuss the most recent research on intersemiotic translation, understood broadly here as comprising transfer from one semiotic mode to another, but also as interaction between the different modes.

We invite contributions from linguists, literary scholars, arts and media scholars, translation specialists, on any aspect of those topics, including e.g.:

– theoretical reflection on the differences between language and non-verbal sign systems

– the equivalence of stylistic devices in different modalities

– the pragmatics of intersemiotic translation

– visual to verbal translation: description; ekphrasis; radio reporting; football commentary; subtitling and audio-description; etc.

– verbal to visual translation: illustration; screen adaptation; novel-to-comic adaptation; etc.

– translation of visual and verbal forms into music, and vice versa

– forms of interaction:

– concrete and visual poetry

– comics and graphic novels

– advertisements

– new media

– intersemiotic reference (intertextuality)

We welcome a broad range of approaches to those and similar topics, with theoretical, empirical, critical, or pedagogical focus.

Abstracts (of ca. 300 words) should be sent to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by 15 May 2013.

For a list of invited speakers and other information please consult the web page:

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