CFP: IACS3-2018, Toronto: Third Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics
First Call for Participation
The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics
in cooperation with OCAD University and Ryers
The Third Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS3 – 2018)
July 13–15, 2018
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Peter Coppin <pcoppin@faculty.> - Jamin Pelkey <jpelkey@ryerson.
Plenary speakers confirmed (as of August 15, 2017)
- John M. Kennedy • University of Toronto
- Kalevi Kull • University of Tartu
- Maxine Sheets-Johnstone • University of Oregon
This non-restrictive theme is intended to encourage the exploration of pre-linguistic and extra-linguistic modes of semiotic systems and meaning construal, as well as their intersection with linguistic processes.
Cognitive Semiotics investigates the nature of meaning, the role of consciousness, the unique cognitive features of human beings, the interaction of nature and nurture in development, and the interplay of biological and cultural evolution in phylogeny. To better answer such questions, cognitive semiotics integrates methods and theories developed in the human, social, and cognitive sciences.
The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS, founded 2013) aims at establishing cognitive semiotics as a trans-disciplinary study of meaning. More information on the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics can be found at
The IACS conference series seeks to gather together scholars and scientists in semiotics, linguistics, philosophy, cognitive science, psychology and related fields, who wish to share their research on meaning and contribute the interdisciplinary dialogue.
Topics of the conference include (but are not limited to):
- Biological and cultural evolution of human cognitive specificity
- Cognitive linguistics and phenomenology
- Communication across cultural barriers
- Cross-species comparative semiotics
- Evolutionary perspectives on altruism
- Experimental semiotics
- Iconicity in language and other semiotic resources
- Intersubjectivity and mimesis in evolution and development
- Multimodality
- Narrativity across different media
- Semantic typology and linguistic relativity
- Semiosis (sense-making) in social interaction
- Semiotic and cognitive development in children
- Sign use and cognition
- Signs, affordances, and other meanings
- Speech and gesture
- The comparative semiotics of iconicity and indexicality
- The evolution of language
We invite abstract submissions for theme sessions, oral presentations and posters. Please select your chosen format along with your submission.
Submission Guidelines and Formats
- Theme sessions (deadline: 15 Nov 2017)
- Submit session title, name and affiliation of convener; input brief session abstract (150 words); upload session introduction of up to 400 words explaining the theme, plus all full-length abstracts in suitable order.
- Sessions may consist of 3–5 papers (90–150 min.) and should alow time for general discussion. Papers in each theme session should be thematically linked.
- Submission should also indicate whether a session not accepted as a whole should have each abstract reconsidered as individual presentations (oral or poster).
- Oral presentations (deadline: 5 Dec 2017)
- Submit title, name, affiliation, key terms; input brief abstract (150 words); upload full abstract (300–400 words).
- Prepare a 20-minute presentation followed by 7 minutes of discussion
- Posters (deadline: 5 Dec 2017)
- Submit title, name, affiliation, key terms; input brief abstract (150 words); upload full abstract (250–300) words.
- Prepare a 1-minute oral presentation in the main lecture hall, preceding the poster session.
All full abstracts should be uploaded as .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, or .odt, attachments using EasyChair: https://easychair.
In order to submit an abstract you must use your existing EasyChair account or register using the link above. Further instructions can be found on the EasyChair site and on the IACS 2018 conference website:
Post-Conference Publishing Opportunities
Two publication outlets are reserved in advance for revised IACS3 papers following the conference.
- Edited Book Collections: Anthropology of Language series, Oxford: Berghahn,
2uHaKvw - Special Themed Double Issue: The American Journal of Semiotics 35.1–2,http://bit.
Please contact Jamin Pelkey <>
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of theme sessions: | 15 Nov 2017 |
Deadline for abstract submission (oral presentations, posters): | 05 Dec 2017 |
Notification of acceptance (oral presentations, posters): | 15 Feb 2018 |
Last date for early registration: | 05 May 2018 |
About OCAD University (OCAD U) and Ryerson University:
OCAD University is a historic art and design university with a student body of 6,000, next-door to the colossal Art Gallery of Ontario and a few blocks east of Chinatown; Ryerson is an vibrant, city-centric university with a student body of 39,000 skirting Dundas Square (Toronto’s response to Times Square) and environs.
The city of Toronto:
Known internationally as the world’s most diverse city, Toronto is the capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada. Situated along Lake Ontario’s northwestern shore, it is a dynamic metropolis with a core of soaring skyscrapers, all dwarfed by the iconic, free-standing CN Tower. Toronto also has many green spaces, from the orderly oval of Queen’s Park, to the 400-acre High Park and its trails, to its sports facilities and zoo.
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