CFP: Ecosemiotic Paradigm For Nature & Culture
Ecosemiotic Paradigm For Nature & Culture:
Transdisciplinary Explorations in the Cybernetics of Learning, Adapting, Understanding & Knowing,
Mikołów, Poland, July 9 (Monday)–12 (Thursday), 2018
Ecosemiotic Paradigm Invitation Poster
The theme of this convention inscribes itself into the investigative domains of biological-evolutional psychology, semiotic phenomenology of human communication, educational sociology as well as cultural anthropology. It merges two interrelated mind/brain- and actuality/virtuality-oriented research traditions, namely, epistemology as a metascientific theory of knowledge or psychophysiological theory of knowing and ecology as a theory environmental embedding of organismic and social systems. The respective topics of inquiry may include modelling systems of reality, possible worlds, mind & care, psychotherapy, medicine, and communicology. Against this background, the subject matter of the 2018 conference may focus on the living-systems development in the realm of plants, animals, and humans engaged in species-specific cognizing activities and meaningful relationships within and with their genuine and artificial environments.
University scholars, independent researchers and students, interested to take part in the “Ecosemiotic Paradigm for Nature & Culture”, will be asked to send to the address: <> their abstracts including 200 words and a bionote including 150 words, prepared on a special form available through correspondence. Ecosemiotic Paradigm Abstract Template
Organized working groups consisting of at least six members may send one unified abstract with bionotes.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by two members of the Scientific and Program Committees.
Estimated on the basis of self-financing costs, the conference fee is aimed at covering expected expenditures for coffee breaks and lunches and organizational works. Individual participants pay early bird fee 200 EUR i.e. 850 PLN and regular fee 250 EUR, i.e., 1000 PLN. Members of working groups and accompanying persons of individual participants will pay early bird fee 180 EUR i.e. 760 PLN and regular fee 200 EUR, i.e., 850 PLN. The fee with the information: “conference fee for Ecosemiotic Paradigm, participant’s name (and the name of working group where applied), and the amount” should be paid to the account of: Mikołowski Bank Spółdzielczy, ul. Krakowska 29, 43-190 Mikołów; Bank account number for Polish citizens: 59 8436 0003 0000 0022 7531 0001; International Bank Account Number = IBAN PL 59 8436 0003 0000 0022 7531 0001, SWIFT (BIC CODE): POLUPLPR. Due to organizational demands, this fee is non-refundable after the date following the final registration. Details about the accommodation in Mikołów will be provided on the web page of the Botanical Garden.
Dates for sending the presentation/participation proposals
= from November 15, 2017 to January 15, 2018
Notification of the abstract review process
= directly after evaluation of the abstract
Early bird fee payment and registration
= February 15, 2018
Deadline for final sending of abstract proposals
= January15, 2018
Deadline for final registration and regular fee payment
= March 15, 2018
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