CFP: Cognitive Semiotics

Call for Papers: Cognitive Semiotics

Cognitive Semiotics, published by Mouton de Gruyter, is a platform for the study of meaning-making writ large, as it is manifested in our interactions with the surroundings in all domains, in the natural as well as in the social world, in language and other semiotic resources, as well as in perception, and in action. We invite all submissions which in one way or other combine the inspiration from semiotics, cognitive science and/or cognitive linguistics, broaching theoretical issues, realizing experimental studies, or anything in-between.

Starting in 2018, the journal will publish one thematic issue each year, whereas the other issue will be open to all contributions of relevance to the study of cognitive semiotics. The second issue may however contain thematic dossiers.

Call for Proposals of Thematic Issues or Dossiers:

The editors of Cognitive Semiotics welcome proposals for special issues or dossiers that integrate perspectives, methods, and insight from cognitive science, cognitive linguistics and semiotics for its forthcoming publication schedule.

If you have a particular theme of relevance to the mission of the journal, the editors are eager to discuss possibilities for running a special issue as early as the spring issue of 2018, or beyond.

Please address a brief (approx. 1 page) proposal to Peer Bundgaard, Editor-in-Chief, copying Göran Sonesson and Todd Oakley, Associate Editors (addresses below). Special issue proposals should contain a description of the theme and a statement of relevance to the journals research mission, along with either 1) a list of prospective contributors with attached abstracts, 2) a plan for soliciting contributions, or 3) some combination of confirmed contributors and abstracts and plan for solicitation.

The editor-in-chief and associate editors will work closely with the special issue editors on matters pertaining to solicitation, peer review, copy editing, and publicity.

Inquiries and proposals are to be sent to the following addresses:

Peer Bundgaard <>

Göran Sonesson <>

Todd Oakley <>

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