CFP: 4th volume of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics
Call for papers: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.IV
The International Journal of Marketing Semiotics is an open-source, double blind-reviewed academic journal that covers a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary marketing/semiotics research streams, spanning:
– Conceptual approaches to the 5 P’s by drawing on different semiotic perspectives (Peircean, structuralist, post-structuralist, sociosemiotics, cultural, textual, visual, multimodal).
– Consumer cultural research
– Semiotically informed methodological frameworks for conducting research into packaging design and competitive packaging analysis, new product development, product/service/retail branding, brand identity development, brand equity, pricing, advertising, IMC development and competitive analysis, consumer behavior (offline and online).
– Comparing and contrasting existing marketing research conceptual and methodological frameworks with semiotic ones.
– Cross-disciplinary approaches on marketing research issues that combine semiotics with perspectives from the social sciences and the humanities, such as anthropology, literary studies, psychoanalysis, anthropology, rhetoric, sociology.
The International Journal of Marketing Semiotics welcomes both conceptual and applied academic research, but also provides a forum where marketing semiotics agencies may publicize case studies of projects they have undertaken for clients.
The closing date for submission is May 30th 2016
If you are an academic researcher or an agency in the field of marketing semiotics and you wish to contribute to the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics, please send your papers to:
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