CFP: 12th International AIC Color Congress


12th International AIC Color Congress

On behalf of the International Colour Association (AIC) the AIC 2013 organising committee invites submissions of papers or posters or interactive demonstrations on any aspect of colour. This Congress provides a unique forum bringing together researchers, academics, artists, architects, industrialists, engineers, designers, lighting experts, and business leaders.

The following list of topics is provided as a guide, but we welcome submissions in any area.


  • Colour vision*: perception, genetics and neuroscience, individual differences.
  • Lighting*: new technologies, LEDs, colour rendering.
  • Colour in art and design: fashion*, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, glass, jewellery, new media.
  • Colour science: psychophysics, experimental techniques, representations.
  • Colour appearance: models, computational colour, scales and metrics.
  • Colour imaging: multispectral imaging*, device characterisation, colour management and reproduction, HDRI, image quality, photography, print, displays.
  • Digital colour: computer graphics, visualisation, animation.
  • Colour measurement: spectroradiometry, photometry, standards, gloss, texture.
  • Colour in nature: ecological colour, camouflage, animal vision, natural-world statistics.
  • Colour in environmental design*: architecture, landscaping and horticulture, urban planning, interior design.
  • Colour in conservation: museum lighting*, art conservation, materials, documentation, 3D representations, virtual restoration.
  • Colour psychology: colour aesthetics and harmony*, emotion, semiotics.
  • Colour communication: colour meaning, coding, language, naming.
  • Colour theory: history, philosophy, art, heritage.
  • Colour education: pedagogy, curriculum design, teaching aids.
  • Sustainable coloration: colour in the environment, natural colorants, dyes and pigments.
  • Applications: colour in food, medicine, cosmetics, forensics.

* Planned Symposia.


The submission deadline is 17 December 2012. For full details on how to submit a paper please visit

Delegate registrations are now open and can be booked via the website.

T: +44 (0)191 241 4523
F: +44 (0)191 245 3802

AIC 2013 Congress
c/o Benchmark Communications
14 Blandford Square
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE1 4HZ, United Kingdom


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