El Grupo de Estudios de Semiótica de la Cultura (GESC), en colaboración con el Programa de Doctorado en Periodismo de la UCM, continúa este nuevo curso académico con sus Lecciones de semiótica y ha elaborado un programa de conferencias que girarán en torno a la relevancia del método semiótico como instrumento de análisis de la cultura contemporánea….
Online Course on the Semiotics of John Deely
Tutor: Brian Kemple Semiotics–toward which human beings took their first explicit steps in the beginning of the Latin Age of philosophy, in the work of St. Augustine of Hippo–is that by which we begin in a true postmodernism. This is one of the key and perhaps surprising claims of John Deely (1942–2017). That is, often today what is called…

AUTH SemioLab Open Lectures – Spring 2018
AUTH SemioLab Open Lectures – Spring 2018 We kindly invite you to our Spring Lecture Series Semiotics of Space in Culture and Society organized by AUTH SemioLab (Faculty of Philosophy) in collaboration with the Department of Architecture (Faculty of Engineering). Thursday 15 Μarch 2018, 11:00 Sociosemiotics of Space and the Semiotic Construction of ‘Participative Governance’ Dr. Tiit Remm, Department of Semiotics,…

Summer University Program – Juri Lotman and the Semiotics of Culture
Intensive course Juri Lotman and the Semiotics of Culture, 2018 – International Summer University Program at the University of Tartu July 2-13 2018, Tartu The aim of the course is to give an intensive introduction to Juri Lotman’s semiotic theory of culture, its theoretical background and context as well as new developments and applications of…

2018 application round for University of Tartu International Master Studies in Semiotics open!
2018 application round for University of Tartu International Master Studies in Semiotics open! Announcing the 10th class of the international MA in Semiotics at the University of Tartu We are excited to welcome new students to our 2-year international Master’s programme in Semiotics. The courses are taught in English. 10 best applicants will be awarded with tuition-waiver scholarships. …
Call for participation: The XXII Early Fall School of Semiotics (EFSS 2017)
Call for participation (until 15 July) The XXII Early Fall School of Semiotics (EFSS 2017) Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication (Sozopol, Bulgaria, 4-10 September 2017) Call_EFSS_2017_DASC EFSS 2017 will combine a conference for researchers in digital semiotics and a semiotic school for PhD and advanced MA students. The topic represents the research program of…
Table ronde autour de l’œuvre en français d’Eero Tarasti
Table ronde autour de l’œuvre en français d’Eero Tarasti, sémioticien, musicologue, écrivain et musicien Mardi 30 mai 2017, 19 – 21 h., Librairie de l’Harmattan, 21 bis, rue des Ecoles, 75005 Paris. Participants : Márta Grabócz (université de Strasbourg), Jean-Marie Jacono (université d’Aix-Marseille), Anne Hénault (Paris-Sorbonne), Antonia Soulez (université de Paris VIII) et l’auteur. Entrée libre….

Extended Tartu Summer School of Semiotics – August 10-21, 2015
Extended Tartu Summer School of Semiotics: www.flfi.ut.ee/summer_school/2015/extended.html We are happy to announce that in addition to the traditional academic gathering, extra week of lectures will take place in cooperation with this year’s Tartu Summer School of Semiotics! The additional week of lectures will include lectures, seminars and social program for students and professionals even more…
Doctoral student in Cognitive Semiotics
Doctoral student in Cognitive Semiotics Type of employment: Limit of tenure, Maximum 4 years Extent: 100 % Location: Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund First day of employment: 2015-09-01 Official Records Number: HTPA 2015/6 Job assignments Doctoral education. Departmental work can be assigned. Eligibility/Entry Requirements Eligibility for doctoral studies in each subject is specified in…