Target Release date: Q4 2021 (est.) Editors: Dr. George Rossolatos & 1 Co-editor (TBC) Introduction: The market opportunity Semiotics has exerted a paramount influence on marketing practice and research over the past 40 years. Semiotic concepts have been applied successfully to territories, such as brand and product design, packaging and advertising development and analysis. The analytical, interpretive…
New book in Turkish: Literary Semiotics: A Theory A Practice – Meaning Production Processes
by Murat KALELİOĞLU Yazınsal Göstergebilim: Bir Kuram Bir Uygulama – Anlam Üretim Süreçleri [Literary Semitoics: A Theory A Practice – Meaning Production Processes] Purpose of this book in which theory and practice presented together is to contribute to fulfiling the need of practical sources in the field of semiotics. As well as demonstrating hypothetic information, the…
New Book in French: Semiotics of Forms of Life
Semiotics of Forms of Life. World of Meaning, Ways of Being by Alain Perusset A study of contemporary semiotics on how we give meaning to our experiences and reveal our ways of being. Life, be it human or animal, individual or collective, can only rely on itself to persevere and sustain itself in the world. That…
New Book in Italian: Frammenti di un disco incantato
Frammenti di un disco incantato. Teorie semiotiche, testualità e generi musicali Gabriele Marino (Aracne Editrice 2020) La musica si offre al nostro orecchio e al nostro esserne gli interpreti bilanciando sempre quelle che sembrano essere le sue due qualità distintive e contrapposte: l’ineffabilità e la capacità di comunicare sensazioni, atmosfere, storie in maniera chirurgica. La…
New Book: The Language of Images
By Maria Giulia Dondero This book deals with two fundamental issues in the semiotics of the image. The first is the relationship between image and observer: how does one look at an image? To answer this question, this book sets out to transpose the theory of enunciation formulated in linguistics over to the visual field….
New Book: Les histoires qui nous sont racontées. De l’exclusion par les causalités narratives au transculturel dans les littératures des Amériques
Auteur: Patrick Imbert Les romans, nouvelles et récits des Amériques s’ouvrent de plus en plus aux altérités et ainsi se rejoignent dans leurs dynamiques. Leur structure narrative est fondée sur le schéma de Greimas et mène à la transformation de contenus à partir de temporalités/causalités qui s’enchaînent. Les causalités justifient des exclusions comme barbarie/civilisation. Elles…
New Book: Introducing Relational Political Analysis. Political Semiotics as a Theory and Method
By Peeter Selg and Andreas Ventsel This book introduces relational thinking to political analysis. Instead of merely providing an overview of possible trajectories for articulating a relational political analysis, Peeter Selg and Andreas Ventsel put forth a concrete relational theory of the political, which has implications for research methodology, culminating in a concrete method they…
New Book: Strategic Conspiracy Narratives. A Semiotic Approach
By Mari-Liis Madisson and Andreas Ventsel Strategic Conspiracy Narratives proposes an innovative semiotic perspective for analysing how contemporary conspiracy theories are used for shaping interpretation paths and identities of a targeted audience. Conspiracy theories play a significant role in the viral spread of misinformation that has an impact on the formation of public opinion about certain…
New Book: Persona by Claudio Paolucci
Persona. Soggettività nel linguaggio e semiotica dell’enunciazione (Bompiani 2020) Per la lingua italiana, la persona è l’individuo; per l’etimologia è la maschera; per il teatro è il personaggio; per la linguistica è la categoria in cui si esprime la soggettività. E per la semiotica? La teoria dell’enunciazione dice che l’io della lingua è un messaggero…
New Book: Mediation and Immediacy. A Key Issue for the Semiotics of Religion
Edited by: Jenny Ponzo, Robert A. Yelle, and Massimo Leone Religion, like any other domain of culture, is mediated through symbolic forms and communicative behaviors, which allow the coordination of group conduct in ritual and the representation of the divine or of tradition as an intersubjective reality. While many traditions hold out the promise of immediate access to…