Chères collègues, chers collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous partager le nouvel appel à contributions du Cygne noir, revue d’exploration sémiotique. Codirigé par Fabien Richert (Prof., UQAM), Simon Levesque (Postdoctorant, U. Laval) et moi-même, ce prochain numéro a pour thème « Sémiotique et critique ». J’ai joint l’appel à ce message (document PDF). Les propositions sont à envoyer…
Call for papers: special issue of Linguistic Frontiers, “Discursive Practices in Digital Media”, Anderson Vinícius Romanini and Paulo Roberto Gonçalves Segundo (guest editors).
Linguistics Frontiers Call for article submission Please consider submitting a complete article for the special issue of the international journal Linguistic Frontiers with the theme “Discursive Practices in Digital Media”. The guest editors will be Professors Anderson Vinícius Romanini (ECA/USP) and Paulo Roberto Gonçalves Segundo (FFLCH/USP). Articles that fall into the following topics will be…
Call for papers: Colloque international “Existences collectives. Perspectives sémiotiques sur la sociabilité animale et humaine”, Université Paris 8 et Campus Condorcet (20-21 octobre, 2022)
Chères et chers collègues, Voici un Appel à communications pour un colloque international intitulé “Existences collectives. Perspectives sémiotiques sur la sociabilité animale et humaine” organisé par le Groupe d’activités sémiotiques de Paris 8 (Gasp8), en collaboration avec le GPS (Grand Paris Sémiotique) et le Laboratoire Paragraphe, les 20-21 octobre 2022. Bien cordialement Anne Beyaert-GeslinProfesseur en sciences de l’information…
Call for Papers: 22nd Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics. Palacký University, Olomouc, Czechia (June 27th – July 1st, 2022)
We now have one month until the deadline for submissions. Please send abstract submissions to no later than February 28th, 2022. Celebrating 22 years of existence, the committee for the Gatherings in Biosemiotics welcomes abstract submissions for next year’s event, dealing with contributions and new developments in the field of biosemiotics as an interdisciplinary and international effort,…
Call for papers: Special issue of Chinese Semiotic Studies – “The visage as text. Physiognomy, Semiotics, and Face-Reading from Antiquity to Artificial Intelligence” (Remo Gramigna and Massimo Leone, Editors)
THE VISAGE AS TEXT Physiognomy, Semiotics, and Face-Readingfrom Antiquity to Artificial Intelligence Corresponding editor, Remo Gramigna: (University of Turin), Turin, Italy, E-mail: Editor, Massimo Leone: (University of Turin, University of Shanghai, Cambridge University, Bruno Kessler Foundation), Turin, Italy, E-mail: This call results from a project that has received funding from the European Research…
Extended and Last Call for Papers: 4th International Conference on Semiotics and Visual Communication (17 June – 19 June 2022, Cyprus University of Technology, Lemesos)
Extended Call for Papers: Deadline 31 March 2022 Conference website: The Organizing Committee of SVC has been closely monitoring the developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as the health and safety of the conference’s participants remains our first priority. Given these unprecedented circumstances we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the 2020 conference,…
Call for papers for the next issue of Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication The advent of the internet and digital technologies in general has wrought deep changes to the socio-cultural tissue in almost every part of the world. Predigital cultural works and phenomena live a new digital life, remediated in interactive form. The media…
Appel à Communication: Journées d’étude – Le réel et la bande dessinée (Axe sémiotique & SIC)
Chères et chers collègues, Veuillez trouver ci-joint un appel à communication pour des journées d’étude sur « Le réel dans la bande dessinée », comportant un axe sémiotique et SIC. Merci de diffuser cet appel largement. Bien cordialementNicolas COUEGNAS —————— Appel à communicationsLE RÉEL ET LA BANDE DESSINÉEJournées d’étude – le 19 mai après-midi et le 20 mai matin à La Rochelle.UNIVERSITÉS…
Panel Thessalonique – Semiotics and Digital Art History
Cher.e.s collègues, Vous trouverez ci-joint un appel à propositions pour participer à un panel qui aura lieu pendant le prochain congrès de l’IASS-AIS à Thessalonique du 30 aout au 3 septembre prochain. Ce panel porte sur “Semiotics and Digital Art History Facing the Challenges of Image Big Data” et sera coordonné par Pierluigi Basso, Lia…